Special Note: I will be attending CSSSA summer program @ CalArts for a month from abou the 14 to next month. It's not like it matters, and I'm sure you don't care at all, but thats not the point, is it you flaming piece fo shit. Nothing matt...

this is the dead fetus brigade. we kill fetuses. fetuses arent babies. they are fetuses. fetuses have tails. babies dont have tails. babies are cute. fetuses arent cute. fetuses arent babies.

if we see a fetus walking down the street... we kick its ass. if we see a fetus with our women... we kick its ass. if we see a fetus trying to spring forth from some hapless mother's womb... we kick its ass.

we are the faceless. we are the nameless. we are the dfb.


View the Dead Fetus Handbook
Sign the Dead Fetus Handbook