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da Presto Clique

da Presto Clique. Who are they? And what do they want? Umm....we don't know for sure. During sophomore year, the year in which Becca and I became close friends, we noticed an odd pattern. Cliques are common, this is true. But this clique in particular amused us. Follow along as we break it down for you....

" Elf "

Our first subject is Mr. Elf Boy. Yes, he is my beloved obsession and infatuation. (Mollie hopes to God that he never stumbles upon his page.) " Elf " seems to be da Clique leader of his fellow Nike Presto wearers. He was the pioneer! He was the first! He had started it all! So as his fellow Freshmen friends took notice of his Prestos, they one by one got pair of their own. But wait, why do you call him Elf Boy, Mollie? Imagine a tall, somewhat lanky 15 year old with Vulcan ears and a humped nose. I swear, all he's missing is the pointy hat and the shoes with bells at the ends. And despite all this, I dig him. This sickness of mine started abruptly AND without warning in the beginning of second semester. I think it's chronic `cause it WILL NOT go away! -ahem- Sorry, moving on...

" Poop "

Ahhh, my dear Poop Boy. Why the alias Poop Boy? Well, after being shitted on by two birds, it kinda sticks don'tcha think? Becca's known Poop ever since he was a wee one(po' Becca...I feel yo pain momma!) and couldn't help but associate with him, and dragging everyone else she knew along with her. But no hard feelings, Poop is a pretty sweet kid despite his annoying sarcasm and ever-present immaturity. -Mollie and Becca collectively- We lub you Pooooop! Oh, yes...almost forgot, Poop wears the Prestos too. He was sooo proud of `em and credited Elf for bein' the one that swayed him to get a pair of his own. At a boy, Elf!! = )
Poop boy doesnt want me callin him poop no more. I donno if i can, but for his sake ill try. On the other hand, elf is still elf, meanpeoplesuckman is still meanpeoplesuckman, and juju... well he isnt juju, he has a fro!

" MeanPeopleSuck Man "

And for the last of da Presto Clique is MeanPeopleSuck Man. Origin of his alias: One morning before school, the bell rung for students to enter the building and Becca spotted a truthful patch on a freshmen's back pack. " Mean People Suck. Yeeaaa!! " Becca read and cheered. Mollie laughed and suggested that he be the MeanPeopleSuck Man for he hung out with da Presto Clique AND wore Prestos himself.

Pending Clique Member " JuJu Boy "

He's Jewish, he's got orange hair, and he looks like he could be Judie's lil' bro. He's a pending member `cause even though he hangs out with da Clique 24/sev, he still does not own a pair of Prestos. But owning your own Prestos is like the initiation into da Clique. No Prestos= No Clique. Chop, chop now JuJu...

There ya have it folks! Eerie isn't it? But hey, atleast Nike has 3 very happy customers! Be on the look out for a new episode on Rikki Lake titled: "How Nike Pestos Brought Us Together." (eh he)

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