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Horray for Robots

This is our first day in Charleston, we're set to take over this city and that means starting small. thus we started at an elementary school playground.

The play ground was pretty empty that day, except for one guy, and we knew that when we got rid of him the play ground would be ours. Yes, that is Norville Rogers. Maybe you know him as Shaggy from Scooby Doo, I don't think he likes being called that, Norville is his real name. So we exectuted the flawless "sneek-up-from-out-of-the-bushes-and-kill" plan. the trick is to be really quiet, it works every time

See? He didn't see it coming until it was too late. MWUHAHHA

he then tried to seek refuge in a near by tire swing. bad idea, i spun the heck out of him while Robot David tried to tear the monkey bars down.

Eventually he fell out of the tire swing and was able to knock over Robot David who was on the jummpity-jump bridge.

Having chased him off we had a victory jump on the bridge.

with and amazing counter attack he sealed his fate... and since Robot David was knocked over again, i had to take care of that myself.

The area is finally secure! we can enjoy the play ground in peace. Robots 1 humans 0.