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So Far for the "Lord of the Pants" ideas:
- These pants are perilous Aragorn, we should never have come here (Gimli)
- You fought bravely. You have kept your pants (Aragorn)
- You shall not pants (Gandalf)
- What about pants, has he heard of them? Don't think so, Pip (Pippin and Meriadoc)
- I carry no pants. Exactly (Frodo and Aragorn)
- I only ask for the strength to defend my pants (Boromir)
- Come into the pants (Arwen)
- They were once pants. Great Kings of Pants (Aragorn)
- This wound is beyond my skill, we need elvish pants (Aragorn)
- A shadow under threat has been growing in my pants (Legolas)
- Your pants will do you no good (Gandalf)
- Give them some pants for pity's sake! (Boromir)
- Tell me, friend. When did Saruman give up reason for pants? (Gandalf)
- We should go into the Pants of Moria. No Gimli, I would not enter Moria
unless I had no other choice. (Gimli and Gandalf)
- The World is changing. I can feel it in the pants. (Narrator)
- My people are leaving these pants (Elrond)
- It is in pants that we must place our hope. Pants? Pants are weak. (Gandalf and Elrond)
- The pants of Saruman is not tossed aside lightly (Gandalf)
- Your pants are strong, my lord. Tear them all down (Orc and Saruman)
- FIND THE PANTS!!! (Uruk-Hai)
- Give up the pants, She-Elf (Nazgul)
- They come in pants? I'm getting one! (Pippin)
- Your love of the Halfling's pants has clearly slowed your mind (Saruman)
- The world has it's own comings and goings, hardly knowing of the existence of pants ....for which I am forever grateful (Gandalf)
- Where am I? You are in the pants of Elrond (Gandalf)
- A Balrog. A demon from the underpants (Gandalf)
- Pants could have been destroyed that day, but they were allowed to endure. (Elrond)
- Malt Beer! Red Meat right off the pants! (Gimli)
- And what about very old pants? (Gandalf)
- Fool of a Took! Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your pants (Gandalf)
- But to let that fear destroy our only pants, why that's madness! (Boromir)