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.:.WeLcOmE TO K.D.E.:.

Some of my favorite doll sites:

*Cool Dolls*
*Evil Spice's Doll World*

Hey there what's up? My name is Kellie. This site is something I wanted to put together for all of you doll fanatics. I am quite the fan myself! I must say thank you to some really awesome doll creators but their banners are on down the window so check them out!

I recently had surgery on my foot. And boy, was it painful. To make a long story short, ya know bunions? Well I have some HUGE ones. I had my right foot done first and I am still recovering. OUCH!!!

PSSST! Hey yeah you! Browse down towards the bottom and I have a surprise for ya! Go ahead!

Please vote for me!

Pweese don't get made at me, but I am reinovating my dolls and will soon get them back on here. It's just Angelfire is being mean... >:|

These are some of my favorite dolls. Since I did no create them, you will need to get permission from the owners.


Creator: Cool Dolls


Creater:Jaymee for Dollz Mania


I got dolls from Cool Dolls

Background provided by:

Ta Da!
Here is your surprise: You win a luxurious set of of banners that you can link this WONDERFUL site by!
Here are your choices:

If you would like me to customize you a doll, please feel free to E-Mail Me with your order. Please fill out this form in the e-mail:

Please allow 1 to 2 days for me to customize them. Thanks and come back soon!

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