If I should fall, who will take this flag?

Online since 1.28.1999

We tried

Star Wars
Babylon 5

The Soul of Outer Space
The Greatest Among Us

Care for some music while you browse?

The dairy farmers have all gone their separate ways. The project is complete. We have moved on to other worlds and other spheres. And, like the Kids in the Hall, we now carry a brooding resentment for each other. But, what we have done will remain. DFFQI will stand as a carbonite memory.

Update Archive III
Update Archive II
Update Archive

Are you the One?

If you understand, things are as they are.
If you do not understand, things are as they are.

Follow the White Rabbit

All writings are the individual thoughts, beliefs, and opinions of their respective author.
DFFQI as an entity is immune from local, state, federal, and international prosecution.