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Dude's Photos!

You bet kiddos, this is my new photo album. I am working on putting a ton more photos in it, but for now it will remain sparsely populated. I'm sure there will be a few more pages added as I figure ways to oranise my pics. Remember, this is the part of the site that is somwhat dedicated to you all. That's right, it's about my friends and me. You know, the stuff we do together, the memories we share. In fact, some of these pictures will date back to early 2000, which seems to be where my photo history begins. There really isn't much before that... wonder why that is...? Oh well, the point is that the pictures are here now. So if you have any of us that you would like posted, just e-mail them to me! Take care, and thanks for the memories! Cheers!

Just me...


