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Of Snipers and Vipers

Would you rather slip and fall into the Viper’s pit
Or find yourself in a Sniper’s sight?

The viper may circle
At first
Give a glancing touch
He may continue his dance
Until you’ve become
You don’t know were you are

A viper eats to keep
Himself alive
It consumes anything that will sustain
His life
No matter
So soon you may find yourself
Within the grasp
So soon you may find yourself
Slowly on the way to death
Or wishing you were
As searing pain
Shoots through your veins
Like fire through the gates of Rome

A Sniper never preys
On the innocent
The one in the cross hairs
Has done wrong
The one on the list
Has hurt others
They must be
Brought to an end
In order that a higher good
A perceived justice
Be fulfilled

I suppose that the difference
Is that the Sniper is understood
To kill
But the sniper
So I ask once again

Would you rather fall into the Viper’s pit
Or find yourself in the Sniper’s sight?

Chris Kirby
1:18 AM