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The Fog

by Jessica Walter

I walked in the fog,
I could see nothing ahead.
An eerie wind blew,
I was filled with dread.
Yet I pressed on
into the dank, white mist,
the icy cold surrounded me,
my body it kissed.
It swallowed me whole,
emitting one small sigh
I knew I couldn't turn back,
so I didn't even try.
The fog was so thick,
I was smothering in white,
I looked frantically for an exit,
but their was none in sight.
Then I felt someone close,
their presence in the air,
but when I looked up,
no one was there.
but "they" were still with me
it was something I could feel.
Then the wind whispered softly in my ear
with breath so warm, so real.
It said, "Go on your way, weary wanderer,
Don't feel you have to hide.
Through your trials and troubles
I will be by your side.
It's true that here the fog is thick
so that you can hardly see,
but it's not that way everywhere,
take it from me.
Travel a little farther,
down this trodden trail.
To go on is to triumph,
To stay is to fail.
Down just a little farther,
it's like a different place.
There the fog is burnt off,
not leaving a trace.
Just keep on your path,
and try to get by.
When you get there- it's worth it.
When you get there, you'll see why."
So with newfound courage,
I went on my way.
And my journey hasn't stopped
to this very day.
The wind that had spoken to me,
had told me no lie,
No matter how lost I was,
I could feel it nearby.
And in some places the fog wasn't so thick
and I could quite clearly see
the direction I was supposed to take,
the right road for me.
Will I ever escape this?
This I don't know.
I'll just continue on my journey.
Live it, learn it, and grow.

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