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By Jessica Walter

My head hangs with shame,
so embarrassed by the things I've done.
I open my eyes and see what I've lost.
Funny, I used to think I had won.

Our sweet memories
have been ripped apart.
All to satisfy a frivolous game
played by a careless heart.

Used you and abused you,
claimed you were nothing but a tool.
Confused you and then bruised you,
But it was I that played the fool.

For I care more than I care to show,
and you mean more than I'll ever let you know.

A friend and a lover,
a confidante undercover

And I tried to play you for a fool.

Tell me, is there nothing I could say,
to take all my bad deeds away?
From my heart, know this true,
I'm sorry for what I've done to you.

But please don't pretend to forgive me,
or tell me "everything's okay"
I know it's not.
Please, just turn and walk away.

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