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~`*Jenn's Journal Entries*`~

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Other shtuff

AsianAvenue! go to Babyblu3bubbl3s...thats a coo one ehehe
Picture Album...nifty eh

06.24.02 im going to cali this weekend! yay! should be fun. Happy Bday TWIN! *muah*. i miss Tau Class. i seriously need new pics on here. i got black n white film. i juss need stuff to take pics of. life has been CONFUSING...
06.12.02 whoa! finally updated after a longazz time. lemme tell you, TOMBALL SUCKS@ i wanna go back to austin but at least i get to go to cali at the end of june. trying to get some excitement here. im going to some commercial audition shiz. ha, im that bored. crystal got me hooked on her spongebob. did i mention tomball sucks? my friends know ive been stressin, thanks for bein there for me tho afar. i miss them so.... :`(
04.02.02 try pink for a day
04.01.02 school is getting better. tennis is getting better. yay! but i havent worked out for a looooong while. i think i will today and also study. due to complaints (andrew) i will try to update more. so much to do though. and i finna got to chill with Di after like a year. next time i go back we can go to Wall Mall again haha. me looking forward to -> FORMAL! yay fun. k byez
02.26.02 school so important, no? ENIwayz, the AIM thing for lent didnt work out too well. i hope im not going to hell now. heheh. so tau night was fuuuun. who knew wal-mart could be so interesting?? haha. oh yeah...thinking about dying my hair like light brown? hmmmm...k i study now.

02.17.02 v-day was nice. :) i gave up AIM for lent ahha. the meat thing is hard to do cuz i would be eating crackers on my budget. well off to studying...a bientot

01.28.02 friggin keep thinking its still 2001. oopsie. eniwayz, i need to find an MIS group :( boohoo. im gettin way out of shape. it makes me very y!!! grrr

01.25.02 feeling out of shape. must go practice tennis and to the gym! ugh. also study. well c`est la vie...right. dyed my hair black by the way. i likes. :)

01.18.02 studyin studyin...i think im doin pretty well. i hope i find a good group for MIS. no slackers! blah! takin this stuff pretty serious. it reminds me of high school hosa competition. my studies are well, im really happy! :) i feel smart again after my long hiatus in the clubs last year. too bad i have no money now. i wish i could buy all the clothes i wanted with unlimited funds. oh weeeLLlllll.

01.15.02 trying to get the classes you want is such a pain in the a$$. my phone i found out has free AIM service! nifty spiffy. im already procrastinating. i think i am getting chubby so off to the gym for me later. also read some chem and bio. at least ive been keeping the place clean. im freakin anal. hmm what else. oh yeah going back active for sigmas. its my time for a lil sis. i wonder whoooo. im already making stuff for her. its like having a baby....or a cool pet. like a turtle. :)

01.13.01 new years almost...where to go? no clubbin for me. its so...pointless to go on new years. impersonnal, nothing special & shiz. ima spend mine with steven finally! frist time. we played tennis today. hes a good coach. not enough that i would play with other people around though. eniwayz, so many thing i would like to buy. but christmas came short this year. hhee thats not what its supposed to be about. but hey, everyone knows it is. well, i mean other things are good and all. but isnt presents what makes u like, hey i had a good christmas! hmm, maybe im juss a butt hole materialistic person. cant help it. i went to church tho. 3 times!! and not once did i think about presents. i wanna get an LV keypurse. yes. and wallet. and some clothes. and a watch. and other stuff. want want want. whats with me? so eniwayz, last time i said, hey ppl tell me what i can do to change my look and no one told me shiz. i guess no one cares if i end up like a troll. so i went and got my haircut. i was juss gonna get some long layers. nice right? my hair was pretty long. yes, thats a freakin WAS!! dumb people. hacked off my hair. but i walked out with layers. and when i got in the car i cried. what a dork i am. but i had a right to. so what if i cry a lot. oh yeah, after the lady did the hack job on my hair (it makes my face less chubbi-fied.), she sprayed it so i had big azz hair and she was like, you should be in the beauty pagent! no? why not?? and she kept saying go do it...blah blah. the lady whos the sponsor of it (miss vietnamese universe or something like that) she took my picture when i saw her a few months b4 and it turned out she was trying to enter me into her pageant. so i was like, i dunno how to answer improv in vietnamese well so i cant enter. and shes like, ill coach you. ill tell you what to say, cuz she like the donald trump figure or some shiz. and i juss took the application but i threw it out. why should i be prancing my happy azz in one. my new store is abercrombie. i would like to get all my shiz there. and then also gap. and arden b. but i must settle for walmart. hehe jk. tho i did get a white shirt for this thing i did in high school. and its like wearing sand paper shaped like like shirt. i need to do my homework. i wish i could finish *sigh*. that sucks. i need help! cant do it. i needa dye my hair. so i guess ill get something blackish brown and dye the already dyed part but not the top cuz im trying to grow my healthy hear which people used to fuss over. not this crappy dyed shiz. and i hope it grows out fast. im taking vitamins. my mom`s proud. and ive been exfoliating. though the reduction of pores and clarity of skin isnt great. i got a facial. Whew. some goood stuff. they massaged me and stuff. i was feelin good. she said i had dry skin though. i thought i was oily. eniwayz, she also said i had nice hands, i should hand . gee thanks. people tell me that a lot. but whats that gotta say for the rest of me? haha.

12.07.01 2:38am jimmy is fuggin crazy. dang. crackhead! eniway, so im thinkng about doing something to my hair. derno what. actually to my look overall. derno what. eni ideas? tell me. oh yeah. if u see me slouch tell me. im gonna look like Quasimodo soon.

11.17.01 i hate being bored. ive been bored for the past 2 days. someone help me. also..i foudn a pigeon in fron the the union...its legs all broken from the storm. so im taking care of it. i hope it doesnt die. steven ran over a racoon the other day and it died. eniwayz bye all

11.10.01 hey watch monsters,inc. eniwho, so i missed registering. oopsie. *sigh* gotta wait till January. i like coldness. i wish i had $ to get clothes. i need a trim too. kinda bored now...

11.02.01 so much shiz to finish for school. it sux a :-( someone make me happie. send me cupcakes haha.

10.22.01 i think i have ADD. i cant concentrate on enithing, esp my homework *sigh*. theres a type of drinking in Britain. one kind is this green stuff thats 70% proof. u put a sugar cube on a spoon then pour some in, light the bottom of the spoon until the sugar melts n drink it. almost kinda drug-like. steven`s dorky cousin listens to "happy- " which is music with annoyingly high-pitch gurlz singing annoying lyrics such as "do you have a best friend/best of all best friends/ do you have a best friend too?/ something something yummy in my tummy" etc. yuk. like i said...i think i have ADD.

10.14.01 whoa i thought things were bad b4!! well my trip to `dise was purty bad. not only was it sorta bunk, not only did i use all my $ on drinks and did not even buzz, but my purse was stolen by smashing the window of stevens car!! thats fuUUUuUuUggged up! if i see enione with my bag ima beat ur a$$! grrr

10.01.01 new payge but same old me...this sn is much shorter tho so im happie. semester ima get me a lil sis. yeah she gonna be one lucky gurl heh heh. i hab sweet tooth today...maybe steefun will go get ice cweem with me. why does enione read this crap eniway? i realize i am so boring....

09.01.01 whoa nah...back on the is my top priority...i miss everyone tho...and also wheres that know when u smell sumpthin and u noe its around but u dont see it?? ahhaha....

07.18.01 ahhh, finally i have time to update. Compaq sux. and my mom she is trippin forrealz. wont let me go eniwhere...i aint a lil kid. grrrrr. juss wanna go swimmin. or sumpthin. i rode my bike a few days ago, and my momma tried to force upon me a bike helmet from my childhood along with bright-colored kneepads. and while i was riding (without the gear, mind u) this white guy i know from high school was like "ahahha jenn, u`re riding a biiiike!" uhhh....dumass, its not like i was going to the mall....i was in the neighborhood. k scratch bike-riding off my summer list of things i can do. oh well....byez

06.28.01 uh oh...last night i spent 120 min on my cellio! me scurred my momma will kick my hinnie. does enione read my previous thoughts?? j/w. i made an A on my tests...yay! tank-u tank-u *bows*. my leg is asleep. and i have class. that means i am going to limp to class like a dork. they polly think i have a fake leg or something...

06.26.01 Gee-nuh u not in class wif me. im so bored. who gonna keep me awake. welps bout to go take a test. me scurred. another scurry thing is the Olsen twins. Why is that? I watched their new show last night *shrudder*. worse than Unsolved Mysteries. I wish i had their money tho...

06.21.01 hi-low. whoa....if i had that ape picture id put it back up again. i think im the most jealous gurlfren in the whole world. but steven is too so i dun feel so bad. eniwayz so much stuff to do!! its supposed to be summer too. cant wait till friday! The Fast and Furious! vrooom vroooom

06.17.01 boring pix...sowwie. i hate the beach. espcially when my parents drag me with them. HELP ME! i juss wanna stay home. grrrr

06.16.01 grr well i told my momma not to make eni family parties cuz im too old...but here i am stuck at another b-day party for moi. oh well, i guess ill always be little. aiya my momma juss read this. since when does she come in here? oh well haha. kay.

06.13.01 weird how life can seem SO FREAKIN bad and then suddenly everything is much,much brighter! i need to study and study and work out and do UT siet. i am thankful for my friends and family. thats all.

if only i had a webcam tho...oh yeah my birthdays on june 15th *hint hint* for now enjoy these ghetto-rigged webcam pix that i put up in place of real ones :)

05.10.01 my page is screwed up so come back laterz...dun be will be better promise!

05.09.01 my guhz comin down to see me!! yay! um, i also wanna thank michelle cuz dang, she always be helpin me out from the very first time i talked to her. youre one of the greatest friends to have. i feel very lucky :) ok. i think i passed my french test. yay! well one more exam to go and im done :) also, i hate the images of those gurlz dressed inraver clothes...they`re dumb. and the blobbies. they`re ugly and look like images from Atrai. and the panda liek the one i have above...why is he so fat? is fat cute now? then i should be x-tra kyoooote.

05.01.00 today is a sad hoo. steven is so busy that we hafta be apart for awhile....hehehe me too attached. i cant help it. *siigh* em nho anh. also...i really really really hate people who try to get somewhere with you and they know ur with someone and its soo obvious what they`re doin....well news flash for you! you`re juss makin yourself look pathetic and stupid. and if u ever do that again i will personnally kick ur azz so hard u cant siet for a week...stoopid mofo! so fug off.

04.16.00 dayamspacebardoesnotwork unless i press down real hard like this *ouch*. eniwayz, i will try to type like this for today`s thought. life sux at times doesnt it? but then, why on other days it seems so happie. i hate mood swings, dont u? i surely do. and guys have them too, dun lie! i noe. sumtimes i wish i were psychic...but only at certain times. that would be nice. and things a lot less stressful. i hate doubting things. it sux, but sumpthin u cant really help. eniwayz...movin on to another subject, i realized how much i changed since i went to college. and tho im sure its for the better, its still sad. we`ll see how my life turns out. will i be rich n successful with lotsa family n friends with a bigo house n two kids n two dogs n still look good? or will i live in a trailer and lye on the couch in a flowered mumu with a stack of TV Guides and National Enquierer n eat Cheetos all day n know All My Children as if they were really all my children? Hee-jin says she will sign my guestbook. but i doubt it. if she does tho then she will noe i told everyone she is stinky#1 :)