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Fan Art Billy's Pictures D'arcy's Pictures James's Pictures Jimmy's Pictures Group Pictures Links Guest Book


Greetings, fellow Pumpkinheads!

Well, it would appear that this site is more or less at a decent standstill now. New stuff has been added, old stuff has been changed. All in all, I think it looks pretty good! However, I really don't like it when its at a standstill for too long. How can you help? Simple! Keep visiting the site, for instance! I love seeing my hit counter climb up and up and up! And the second and probably most important way you can help is by spreading the word about the site. There are now 2 different graphics located on the Links page, both of which you can grab and link back to me! The linking information is located on that page right along with them. Also, keep in mind that I am ALWAYS looking for new submissions. This site WILL go on, despite the fact that the band is no more. So many fan sites out there have given up at this point. I am determined to keep Perfect Just Like Corgan going for just as long as possible!!

That's all for now. Thanks for coming, or coming back, whichever your case may be!

Keep rawkin,


Latest Updates:
04/29/02- May's Featured Artist added to this page, and her fan art added to Fan Art page 2
03/05/02- March's Featured Artist added to this page

May's Featured Artist

This month's #1 Pumpkinhead is:

Clio the Muse

Location: Texas, USA
Website: Clio the Muse's Spring of Enchantment

Fan Art Billy's Pictures D'arcy's Pictures James's Pictures
Jimmy's Pictures Group Pictures Links Guest Book

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Contributions? Insults?