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Mega Roaches Home


MegaRoaches News: WEBSITE updated! New species acquired including Aquatic species!


New Species!: Eurycotis taurus, Periplaneta americana, and the new Aquatic Species-> "name to be announced"

Also Check Out Our New Pics And More Coming Soon

Welcome to Mega Roaches . We have been fascinated by inverebrates and now have amassed a considerable collection. This site is centered around roaches, but we also study and (attempt to) breed beetles and other insects. If you check our price list you can see what we have and what we have available. If we dont have an info page available check the photo gallery. To place an order go to the "E-Mail Us" or just post it on our message board. If you have a pic you would like to share, E-Mail it to either of us and we will put it on our website. We will put your name either under the pic or on the credits page. Roaches make very good reptile and amphibian food because they are a healthy food. They also make easy to keep and interesting pets. We hope to help the hobby of roach collecting become even more popular than it is. We also have a Rat Hobbyist website in the making. A link will be posted here soon!
Please tell your freinds about Mega Roaches and Click the "Pass It On" gear button below to send this site to someone you know. And, if you like this page please visit Osipovs Insects and vote for it (by clicking our link on his site)

And Please everbody, click the link below of our sponsor to help us out. We are going to try and save up some money to afford new supplies and then renovate the website. You dont have to buy anything or do anything but just click the link evertime you come to our site PLEASE. We are only trying to better serve you!!<\b>

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Inverts we sell(or have)

  • Gromphadorhina portentosa - Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
  • Eurycotis floridana - Florida Skunk Roach
  • Pycnoscelus surinamensis - Surinam Roach
  • Eublaberus distanti - Cockroach
  • Nauphoeta cinerea - Cuban Brown \Lobster Roach
  • Archemandrita tesseletta - Giant Peruvian Cockroach
  • Eublaberus prosticus - South American Orange Head Cockroach
  • Blaberus craniifer - Death Head Roach
  • Blaberus discodales - Discoid Roach
  • Blaberus giganteus - Giant Cave Roach/Trinidad Roach
  • Pycnoscelus sp. Panama raoch
  • Eurycotis taurus - Taurus roach
  • Panchlora nivea - Cuban green or Banana roach
  • African Giant Black Millipedes
  • Blaptica dubia-dubia roach
  • Cave Crickets
  • Pink Legged millipedes
  • Chocolate Millipedes
  • Sonoran Millipedes
  • Land Planaria (Land Flatworms)
  • Parcoblatta ulheria
  • Rhabdoblatta
  • Twin Spotted Assasin-Babies hatching soon

Site Map(And A Few Links)

A good site showing lotsa different roaches
Our message board (Not Functional at the Moment)
Info on Surinam Roaches [Pycnoscelus surinamensis]
Info on Madagascar Hissers [Gromphadorhina portentosa]
Info on Florida Skunks [Eurycotis floridana]
E-Mail Us
Price list
Pests of The MidWest
Lobster Roach info [Nauphoeta cinerea]
Peppered Roach Info [Archimandrita tesseletta]
Giant Cave Roach Info [Blaberus giganteus]
Discoid Roach Info [Blaberus discoidales]
PhotoGallery [Under Construction]-Not Yet Done