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Zack - wow let me just get this straight and don't take it the wrong way.. but you seriously are onto somebody new already? and it's your ex? you must have been reaaallly hurt by your decision...

me - well, when we got into that fight last wednesday, i decided i didnt care how long i waited before moving on. and i really dont see why you should even care if it is my ex or that i am moving on.

zack - well idk. i woulda just thought the last nine months meant at least something. but i guess not you can just go onto the next guy like that. but one week after you break up with someone and it's like. oh hai! wanna date? i just broke up with my boyfriend after a long time. he doesn't have any human emotion so let me just post it all over facebook for him to see! you see where i'm coming from here? it hurts me to see it. becuase i wanted to fix things. but you just left.

me - there was and is no point in fixing things, we dont share the same goals, and we are not evn close to being at the same points in our life, and im sorry if reading stuff about him and i bothers you, thats not why the posts have taken place. and it wasnt just a oh ur available lets date thing, it basically happened when i got snowed in at his house and couldnt get out until sunday and we had a lot of time to spend together talking and realizing how much we still have in common and that we share the same goals and are at the same points in our lives. if i hadnt gotten snowed in, i prolly wouldnt be with him as of now, would it have happened eventually? its quite possible, because there was always a small part of me that never stopped loving him, he was a very important part of my life when i was in high school and i hold that in high regards. and its not like the last 9 months meant nothing, i havent forgotten what went on. but i want to move on with my life and that is exactly what i am doing.

zack - well you have fun with him, if it didn't work the first time it's not gonna work the second time. sorry. it's just how shit goes. i hope you're happy with him for the time being. but seriously now i see you just take whatever you can get. it's how i feel get mad about it. but and me got together the first time you met me. and you spend one weekend at this guys house and you talk for a little and wham bam you two are suddenly soul mates. it's bullshit in my opinion and i think you are just insecure about not being in a relationship. you can get mad about this call me a dick post more things saying how happy you are with you decision. but i know you won't be with this awesome guy for long. it'll last about a little over a year. you really hurt me by leaving me. but i guess you don't care and don't say you do cause your pity isn't wanted or needed anymore. i have supporting friends and i don't care what you say about them being assholes. they are there for me and you aren't. i really don't even know if i wanna still be in contact. you need to just get your stuff and we will pretend like we never knew each other. because i think it'll just be easier on both of us. and don't worry i'll pay you for the 500$ i owe you. but i really can't even stand the thought of the past nine months anymore. and i don't know how you'll take this, but now you know how i feel. take it or leave it.

me - wow all this did was make me laugh, have fun with that. and dont even begin to talk about a relationship you know nothing of how it ended before and how its going to go now. you just keep giving me more reasons to not care. and i really do hope you find someone who works out for you, you do deserve a tleast that and so much more. but as for all these happening the past 2 weeks, its all water under the bridge. im going to bed, say what you will, i just dont care anymore.

zack - haha ok, but you prove my point in your message that just love everybody you date. you don't know what love is. you think love is fucking a guy and kissing him and saying three silly words. that's all i have to say. this weekend is the last weekend i'm gonna ask nicely to get your stuff out of my house.. or i'm gonna start charging rent. BAI! cause that's the only nice thing i can say about you right now.

me - ahh wow, u really are a comedian, you should hit the road with that material, its golden! i really liked the part about charging rent, just made my day=) nice touch about describing me as a whore too, sounds exactly like me, because we all know ill just fuck anything that moves(and for your info im not sleeping with this guy and dont plan on it for a long time). ill be by sometime this weekend to pick up my belongings, ill warn you first.

zack - kay. i'll be at kalebs.