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BootSector's Place
- Main Index -
(STILL Under Construction)

"Will you walk into my parlour?" said the Spider to the Fly . . . .
Howitt, Mary. "The Spider and the Fly." Sketches of Natural History. London: Effingham Wilson, 1834.


No excuses from me this time, other than not having the 'Net for awhile. I now have a high-speed connection (along with other toys), so I shouldn't have an excuse for not getting here more often. Time and energy may still play a huge role however, so as always, I make no promises. My work schedule is changing again very soon, so I'll know more after that settles into a routine.

With the scheduling change, I'm hoping to have more time for writing and programming, though there's always other activities that may override those. Go figure. With any luck, at least the blog on Yahoo! 360° will see a bit more of me. I've also finally added a MySpace page, if you're interested in such things. Hey, at least there's music there. :-D

.: BootSector, 29 October 2008 :.

I'm in the process of moving some things around and reorganizing my sites. Angelfire will function as a repository (as I'd originally conceived it). Hopefully, I'll have downloads available here again. For now, it's also the holding place for some of my poems and general writing. Heathen-related writings are now housed on my blog at MySpace, while the Yahoo! blog will be used for whatever strikes me at the time being. Pictures, artwork, and so forth can also be found on MySpace.

.: BootSector, 1 December 2008 :.

Site Contents

As you can see, there's not too awfully much here yet. I'm still pondering what to add and where to put everything. Eventually, I hope to have some sort of navigation menu and what-not, but that needs to wait until I've some sort of roadmap worked out. Until then, I've slapped together a contents listing of a sort. Hopefully, this'll work without getting too gruesome.


Legalities - 03/02/07
See this section of the site for copyright and licensing information if you're interested in using any of the material you find here.

Author - 10/29/08
I'm usually a pretty private person, so those who actually know me might find this section a little odd, particularly since I've a profile on it, with selective biographical data. Ah well; shit happens, eh? My contact information is here as well, from email to places where folks can catch me in real time every now and then.

Article and Document Codes - 03/02/07 (Original Code: 08/31/05)
Describing the gobbledygook... There's something of a method to my madness.


Some of these are better than others, and overall I'm not making any claims to artistic genius quite yet. No doubt, there's a number of my poems that could benefit from revision, but whatever their quality, at least they're here.

"Childe" - 03/03/07
"Death of a Child" - 03/03/07
"The Long Goodbye" - 03/04/07
"These Heathen Eyes" - 03/04/07
"Twilight's Fall" - 03/03/07
"When Monsters Come Out To Play" - 03/07/07
"Whispers in my Mind" - 03/03/07
"A World Without You Near" - 03/03/07


"Two Heaping Sugars and Hold the Cream" - 03/02/07


Sketches of Ragnarok

No. 1 - "Last Passing" - 03/07/07

Copyright Notice: Unless otherwise stated within a page, all site content is copyright (c) 2001-2009 by Alexander Dale Matthews, II. All rights reserved. For extended copyright and licensing information, please refer to the Legalities section.