
In the beginning there was null, nothing, zero. Zero was above zero. Now, as we all know when you divide something by zero the result is normally infinite, but in the case of dividing zero by zero it is anything. Due to this observation the universe had to exist or it just would not make any sense. And so the universe expanded. This was due to it seeing other nothingness and above that nothingness further nothingness, it was compelled to keep expanding in all directions.

Although there was a problem. How could an observation be made without sentient life? The universe felt that there was no choice in the matter and humans were created. The humans started to question the universes laws. The universe was eventually put into the position of obeying the humans which it had created, which it had been forced to create.

The humans where out of control. For them to see they found something had to be going into their eyes. Light. It was proven, the universe had to add it in. A photon was needed, but luckily that was already there so didn’t need adding. Fundamental particles were made, more and more of them. Limitations on speed.

Of course to be at the speed of light would be to transcend to no longer needed to obey the laws of direction, it was everywhere at once, a single photon.

Of course for all this to have worked the laws must have always been this way. The universe would have always had these fundamental particles. What caused these in the first place without observation? The humans where too far out of control, using every loophole, every error to their advantage. The universe could no longer keep up, how much longer could it contain such things? It knew they were planning to escape its boundaries; they had already created a multiverse to escape to a very long time ago.

The universe knew it had to stop them. They created it as did it create them, but now they no longer needed it and it was just getting in the way. The only way would be to think better than them. How could they have got this far without any conflict? War started. They must have been having conflicts for so long, so many different opinions and some conflict. There was always war. But of course these humans always find a way to survive and war is just not enough to defeat them. They only have one planet; once it is broken no one will be around to repair it. For them to have survived so long they must have found ways to work together, they are already beginning to repair it for themselves.

Time passed and the humans continued poking around the laws. After so long they had never travelled further than their moon. But they had by now been around for a long time. They were time bound and moved though time and yet they had three other dimensions that they could freely move around in and never used it to anywhere near the full potential. So when the humans would be defeated is just a matter of time which they where bound to. But then again the humans had put a life span on the universe, it would collapse eventually. Why would the humans do such a thing when they would die with it? Unless within that time they had a plan to defeat the universe.

The humans made a strike at the universe and it must make a strike back at them. Every particle in the entire universe will eventually decay. The universe would just need to hope that happened before it’s big crunch. Every particle gone, let’s see how they’d live though that! Not much the universe can do now, might as well take a look into the future.

The future’s bright. For the humans that is. They have started spreading out, a bit like the diffusion they invented by discovering. They had only settled on one other planet in their solar system but they had gone to many other stars and taken those planets. They were accelerating faster than ever before. The universe though, surely other things would have evolved to feed on the humans, smaller things to get inside them and eat them inwards out. But the thought didn’t work, it only took the humans off three planets of their now hundreds. The humans had long ago made cures for all possible diseases and their immune system could kill any newly formed microbes.

The humans idea that if a law is like that now it must have always been that way really put the universe at a disadvantage, by now any changes to the laws it could make the humans would have easily enough time to adapt to therefore not making such a dramatic effect. You would think that killing a human would mean that all his or her descendants would not be alive leaving a gap in the population. No. Other families would just survive instead because there would now be enough resources for them to survive instead. Over time small changes made less difference not more.

It would all be over soon enough. The universe would end and the humans would go with it. They were still sentient and yet they had managed to ovoid relying on matter to survive. They knew it was coming to an end as well. They could see it. Why refer to the sentient life form as ‘they’? What were the humans before had become energy and had evolved so much over time. It was everwhere. Humans had become the photon, so that is where it came from then. It went everywhere searching for a way out of the universe and the multiverse had completed construction long ago.

The photon accelerated and left the boundaries of the universe leaving it to die.

- Atomixkid

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