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Hi Everyone! Eloradanna speaking. Just thought I'd spruce up our guild site a little bit I do hope everyone enjoys it! It took forever! Haha, well use the navigation to the right to get around the page and enjoy!

Who are the Speakers?

Well, we are an Alliance guild in the realm of Dreanor featured in the On-line game of World Of Warcraft. Presently we have 90 members in our guild ranging from 3-60. We are excepting new members at this time so please feel free to join us!
    Speakers for the dead currently has begun to build a guild bank and finally chose a new guild tabard, check it out. If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to e-mail this guild at Thank you.


    Ok listen up everyone, If you wish to go to MC on Wednesday 28th let ender know. we will begin at 6pm gt. So be there!!! There will be a change very soon in the webpage layout. I am going to perchase a domain name and server. so the address will be changing along with the layout so please keep a look out!!! I wont be updating as much till I get my new server and such as far as memebers and things. But keep this page in mind, because I will still put updates here till I am finished with the other layout and stuff. Take it easya and see you In-game!!!

    Sorry guys, I've been slacking off on the promotions and keeping this thing up-to-date. But good news, I did get caught up! Yay! ^_^ Anyways, Everyone should be promoted to the correct rank both on here and In-game. If you feel that you are not PLEASE let me know... Another thing I'd like to talk about is Behavior, We need to be friendly and good gamers, we cannot and will not tolerate indecent behavior, as of late we have been receiving not so good comments about Speaker members, straighten up! ^.~ Also, we have a message board, so start posting, i will take it down. I'm not going to waste my time to keep something up and running if no one will use it. Kinda pointless. Last and not least, There is a guild meeting tonight so BE THERE! See you all In-game!!

    Guys what's happening? We are back down to 91 members, we all need to work together to get this guild up and running, we need more people so that way we can raid and quest and PVP and all that jazz, so step up the recruiting biz and lets get this show on the road! I updated ranks and levels both In-game and on here. I kind of been forgetting about the in-game promotions :p. Also I deleted all the members that aren't with us anymore. Sad sad sad.... On another note USE MY MESSAGE BOARD...I'll shut it down if we don't get some participation going on...I do have other things to do you know....

    We have finally reached our Monthly goal of 100 Members! Whoo Hoo! Thanks to everyone that has supported this guild thus far. I have added all our new friends and also updated everyone elses levels and such. I'd like to remind everyone that the Guild Message Board is up and running, Please use it...if there is no one using it then there is no point in me trying to keep it up, I do have a life, even though it doesn't seem that way! lol. So Use it! That's what it's there for! ^_^ Myself and Shadowstorm will be sending out Mails in-game to give everyone the web address to here and also to the message board, that one no one can say they never got it. ^.~ I am taking down the GOTW till further notice, We've had so much going on these past few days, and still have not decided how to go about making that. Also Check out the joke of the week. It's a pretty good one! That's all my updates for today. See you all in-game!

    I have updated all levels and ranks this morning. I also want to thank the people who have checked into the guild message board thank you for being so active in the guild. If your confused just click HERE and it'll will take you to the guild message board, make sure you add it to your favorites!

    HEY! I FIXED IT! lol, seriously you should be hearing the music now, and to my wonderful talents and such, we officially have a MESSAGE BOARD! check it out! I need to let you know that, I want everyone to have their usernames be the in-game Char. name that way it's easier to know who is who. So yea check it out!!! Also all new members have been added and everyone else's level upgraded to there current standings. Congratulations on the leveling everyone. I'd also like to say, stop complaining because I got the screenshots link working and up and running. So send in your screenshots and I'll post them!

    Well let's see, We have finally reached 80 members! Great job on the recruiting guys keep it up! I have updated the members page with everyone's new levels and promotions. Also, I believe I have fixed the bug with the music so hopefully you can hear it. Another thing is I am currently working on a layout for the screenshots that have been donated to the site. I hope that it will be up and running by the end of next week. Also I have updated the Joke of the week so check it out! My next big project is the make a message board, wish me luck! If anyone has any advice on making the page look better please don't hesitate on letting me know! I'm always open to new Ideas! I have also posted on the GOTW and Screenshots page that they are not up and running as of yet, All the officers are currently discussing on how we will run the GOTW so just give us some time! Other news is that we are trying to get a MC run sometime in the very near future. Talk to Enderawiggin for the details. 

    Ok everybody please pay attention, There have been quite a few changes on how the guild works. We now have a new Ranking system outlined in the Guildies section. We are also putting together a MC run tonight @ 5pm game time. Promotions will take place every Tuesday and Friday of every week. Visit the Guildies section of the website to see the updated ranking system, levels, and new members. If there is something wrong with this actual website please let me know or I can never fix it. Thanks again and see you all in-game!!!

    I would like to say Welcome to all our new members as of the past week Speakers For the Dead has increased it's size by 10 members! Congratulations and let's continue to grow! I have updated the site with our new members, everyone's promotions and pictures of our new tabard and guild photos that were taken last night in the Cathedral Square at Stormwind! Take a look and tell me what you think! If I have missed anyone's promotion or their level please contact me, or I'll never know!!! Great job everyone keep it up!

    Hello Everyone, Eloradanna here. Well I spiced up the site a little bit more, I've added a joke of the week! The layout of course will get better when I have more time, but for now its good. Also I been getting a lot of questions about the tabard. Pick the number that you want then send an e-mail with the number as the title of the e-mail and make sure u post your game name in the e-mail so I know how voted. The tabard Poll ends on the 31st. So please turn in your vote by then. Also, all levels and new members will be added to the site on the Tuesday of every week, so all levels will be updated to the previous Monday.

    I have updated the members page with a new layout and updated levels. Also visit the tabards section and pick out your favorite design if you don't like any there make your own and send it in!!! Again I say, if you guys need to talk to me just E-mail or even mail in-game and tell me what's going on... I don't know if you won't tell me! So send in those screenshots and we'll see which design is the best!

    Well everyone I'd just like to say thank you to The officers and Twella for joining me at the guild meeting last night. I'd also like to say Congratulations to Twella for winning the Screenshot contest and winning a free tabard! Great Job!!! On another note at the meeting we discussed getting a new tabard design, I will be posting up pictures of the tabards and you all will be able to vote for which one you like the most! There is a guild bank opening up so please feel free to send whatever extra things you may have or want to give to the guild to Speaker Petra, She is the character I have made into a guild bank! Also there will start to be a "Guildie of the Week" I think I will base it differently each week more info on that in the GOTW part of the page. Also, I still need to have your screenshots so SEND EM IN!!! And on a special note: Welcome back Hotsoup we all missed ya!

    Ok, Elo here, I'm done updating the format for the main page lol. Now with that outta the way I'll start on the member's part of the page next, be patient with me for not updating your levels and adding new members onto the page. Hopefully everything will be done by this weekend. If you have any suggestions or comments e-mail the guild leaders at


   - - : About the Leader
   - - : The Guildies
   - - : How To Contact
   - - : Message Board


   - - : Thottbot
   - - : Cosmos
   - - : Allakhazam
   - - : Blizzard


   - - : Screenshots!
   - - : Guild Pics!
   - - : Pick Out a Tabard!
   - - : Joke Of the Week!