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Saoirse's Journals

Please keep in mind that Saoirse is an adolescent. Her IC views are not at all my OOC views, and her opinions may change over time. She does adolescent things like draw nasty pictures of her teachers, and doesn't necessarily mean everything she writes.

Please also keep in mind that this journal is provided for your OOC enjoyment, and to perhaps give some insight into what motivates Saoirse. Information in this journal is not to be used IC unless it is clear that the information could be common knowledge (such as writing about things done in class) or publicly enough that you could have heard about it. Please use that sort of information in RP! If you want your character to have witnessed or have knowledge of something more private, please ask. I may be up for letting your character have overheard/seen something, or I might not. Or I might be willing to say that Saoirse told your character about it.

Additionally, dates in here are mostly for general reference. Just because I say the first years had a class on a certain day, I'm not trying to force it. I'm also not being consistent as to which weekdays which classes occur, so I don't expect anyone else to.

ICly, these journals are protected by very strong charms put in place by Saoirse's parents. They'd be hard to steal and very very difficult for a student to read. If you want to try ICly, let me know.

[Year One] [Year Two] [Year Three] [Year Four]
[Year Five] [Year Six] [Year Seven]

First Year
September 1976

October 1976

November 1976

December 1976

January 1977

February 1977

March 1977

April 1977

May 1977

June 1977

July 1977

August 1977

Second Year September 1977

October 1977

November 1977

December 1977

January 1978

February 1978

March 1978

April 1978

May 1978

June 1978

July 1978

August 1978

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