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Star Fighter Version 1.0

Star Fighter Version 1.0 is now posted on the games page of the site. Star Fighter is a very fun game that we designed. The game has great game play and decent grafics. Star Fighter was designed using game maker like all of the games that are posted on this site. This is our first game i hope you enjoy it pease send us your comment or suggestion about the game on our Contact Us page

New, New , New

We have done it again we redesigned the whole web site. New site, new game! we at ion entertainment are really improving and we hope you enjoy it. what do you think? do you like the way the web site is coming along? If so please post them on the comments page

How do you like the site i spent a lot of time on this site please tell me what you think of it. I really don't have much to say right now but i will keep adding on to my site so have a nice day.


Not much news right now except that the premiere of the new game is almost here and new updates to the site are being added daily.

Please if you have any suggestions about the site or the games please contact us.

Also we are in the mist of making a new game please if you have any good ideas for a game please contact us.

A Brand New Game!

This game is going to be awesome it is a tank game and is coming along very nicely. I will keep you posted on any new updates about the new game. The first demo version of the game should be on the web site soon.


TankSee sketches made by my friend for
our new game.


The Forum

I just made a new forum please visit it and post any comments or suggestions or anything that you might have on your mind. If you don't want to post your comment on the forum please send me a comment.

Have a Game?

Hey do you have a game maker game of your own? well you can send it to me and i will post it on my site for others to download your game. Don't worry i will give you all the credit that you deserve for the game. Just send me an e-mail with the final version of the game you designed attached to it and send it to