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Top 5 Forum Posters:
1) Alaena (46)
2) Vise (45)
3) Bonesz (37)
4) Belt (27)
5) Nakasha (26)

9-6-06: Grats to Death on our very first Ragnaros & Onyxia kill!!!
8-5-06: Grats to all involved last night as we One-shotted the first 8 bosses in Molten Core! We are also working on Hakkar in Zul'Gurub!

7-10-06: Grats to Death & friends for bringing down Shaz on our 1st attempt.

7-2-06: Grats to Death & friends for having the following bosses on farm status: Snake, Bat, Spider & Bloodlord in ZG and Luci, Mags, Gehennas & Garr in Molten Core.

6-5-06: Ghennas meets Death!!! Garr (1-Friggin-Percent!!) LOL.

6-2-06: Good job all for a successful Zul' Garub raid. Snake (High Priest Venoxis) & Bat boss ( High Priestess Jeklik) down.. next is Spider & Bloodlord! Grats to all members who participated

5-29-06: We went in the next day & easily handled Mags! Grats to all!!!

5-28-06: Luci meets Death! Grats to all!!!

5-12-06: Just wanted to take a moment to welcome in to our lil family the members of BloodReaver Tribe. WELCOME!!! We are estactic about your addition to this guild and hope that you feel comfortable and welcomed in your new home.

4-14-06: Welcome to Death! Shadowsong's hottest guild. With over 350 friendly & helpful members (140+ 60s), our own Vent server, killer tabbard and guild & raid bank. Make sure you register with our forums (please use in-game name & valid email) to check out the latest guild developments & to sign up for any of our raids.

Newest Forum Member(s): Bigmrod, Ghaz, Zarituul, Fringa, Thurn

Death is a WoW guild on the Shadowsong server. ------ World of Warcraft� and Blizzard Entertainment� are all trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment in the United States and/or other countries. These terms and all related materials, logos, and images are copyright � Blizzard Entertainment. This site is in no way associated with or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment�.

This page is updated as often as possible by our resident noob webmaster SiniStar. Please be patient and refer all comments, suggestions and complaints to him via our forum private message system. Thanks!