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The Legend is Coming

(new version)

Click here to view the newer version

Hello, my Name is Chris (you know me as SuperBanjo), and I am the creator of this film. It was made using Windows Movie maker, and I'd like to give credit to Nintendo for providing the footage, and to Darude for providing the Music. I did all the editing on this movie, but I did not create any of the graphics. All I did was arrange it to fit the music. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the movie. You need Windows Media player to view it, so if you don't have it, you should install it. (All Microsoft computers come with Windows Media Player, so unless your using a Macintosh, you don't need to worry.)


This version of the movie has much sharper/clearer graphics, although it takes a bit longer to load. I recommend slower computers to watch the other version, but if you want to see it clearly, watch this one.

Size: 11.00 MB

Length: 1:34

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