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Posted by: Yeano
Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 -- 4:13pm
(Posted 1 Hour ago)
Reducing the Number of Tagging Questions

On www.gametalk.com, there were many complaints that moderators would hide and remove messages. No moderator would disclose which other moderator removed the message. Sure, if someone had asked why his or her post was deleted, it could be investigated, but the person who posted the message would never know who removed their post or reply.

My suggestion to avoid that issue may not be easy to implement, but I think it would cut down on any possibility of accusations such as those mentioned above.

Rather than having the thread or reply disappear from plain sight, replace the thread or reply's body with "Post removed by [mod name] because [reason]." Perhaps make that text a different color and font face or something. Of course, the moderator would have an input box to put the reason in there. That would also cut down on questions of "why was my post removed?"

Here are some issues that could arise because of this that I feel could be fixed.

Inappropriate thread titles or posting names. As I have seen before, moderators can edit thread titles, so this should not be a problem. For name, the moderator could have a checkbox, for instance, that would allow them to remove the posting name from sight if the name was inappropriate.

To avoid chatting in tagged threads, the tagged threads could be locked.

In the case of flooding, the posts and replies would be condensed if they are adjacent. For instance, if someone was to make 10 replies in this thread that were inappropriate, the moderator could tag all of them, and we would get "10 posts removed by [mod name] because [reason]."

And perhaps this isn't necessary, but I thought I'd just throw the idea out there, since I had it.

There are 2 Replies
Message Person and Time

Actually we use that system. The thread becomes red with the mods/admins name along with their reason. Only we can only see the tagged threads when logged in. Or are you suggesting everyone sees the tagged threads? I don't see a users business with any threads that were removed for a valid reason. If the tagged post was bad the mod would have to address the issue in another post.

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 -- 4:18pm
(Posted 55 Minutes ago)

The thread becomes red with the mods/admins name along with their reason.

I figured that was the case.

Or are you suggesting everyone sees the tagged threads?

No, just the mod name and the reason.

However, I had another idea while I was at my dentist appointment. While logged in, anyone could see their replies that were tagged with the mod name and why. So if the login name = the posting name, they could see all tagged posts with that particular posting name with the same same info mods can see about who tagged and why.

I will make a visual to help you better understand.

REASON: spam

Wednesday, Jun 30, 2010 -- 5:13pm
(Posted 10 Seconds ago)
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