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El place of teh...........


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Welcome to This site is for the insane and game freak type people. After you have taken a look around my site you will probably end up saying at one time or another "WTF?".

UPDATES!! (Where the updates are you idiot!!)

4-19-2003: Teh site is having its Grand Opening today. Yay!!!!

4-20-2003: I submitted the site to a few search engines, so hopefully there will be some more people visiting and joining the site in a few weeks. That would be teh cool if the site turned into a hugemungus big ol' place like Dark Dominion.

4-21-2003: I made a few changes to the links page. Actually, all I did was add some links to Game Zone, my new affiliate. If you put their links on your site they will put your site up on theirs with a little tidbit about it, so peeps will start coming here more often. Oh yeah, who's the masta? ME!! ME!! More peeps, gonna be here. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

4-23-2003: I changed around the links page. Pretty much added a new section called "Toro Caca" and gave a description to all the links on the page.

4-26-2003: Another section was added to the link page, and two more links were added. Go to em and smile. I also made all the other sections of the site have the same theme, if you haven't already noticed. i though different themes on each page got kinda stooopid.

5-17-2003: Yeah yeah yeah..I know I know I haven't updated in a long while but i've been really busy lately with all kinds of stuff. The site will be gettin mucho better over the summer since there will be nothing else to do but work on this...well and skateboard..workout..and play video games..sleep over at peeps houses..go swimming..sleep..and watch TV, but besides that all my time will be spent on my site!!

GameZone Online - The Games Connection!