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Wolfingdays website

A wolf3d website hosted by flamer46


Current page:






Contact me

Operation Supernatural






Services(Things I can do for you)


In this page I`ll tell you about some things I can do for you. What I ask will be specified with the description.

If you need a coder or some place to make a website than I can do that for you.


1.      If you need a coder contact me and I will see what I can do for you. I`m not always available in doing this but so I have to see if it`s worthwhile. The only thing I ask for is credits.

  1. If you need somewhere to talk about your projects and all your stuff. I can do that for you to. If you contact me I can give you some space on my website. I`ll give you a link in the navbar. The only thing I ask for is that you put a navigation bar that goes to my website.

If you need any of this contact me. To contact me look at the link in the navigation bar.