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Hey everybody...o wow a different font ahh...oh well, who cares?  Well, nothing new STILL cause I got no ideas anymore boo hoo...Ok well just wanted to let you guys know that I'm still alive haha. 

Doug (9-23-04)



OLE!  Haha...I dunno what that means but I like saying it {^_^}.  Welll, nothing new but I wanted to say something so that you know that I'm still alive haha.  Um...nothing new going to gameplex this Saturday...go if you can! haha, bye guys.

Doug (9-15-04)




Well, the homework section thingy is up...haha.  Uh...I need more ideas!!! I don't know what to put on the site next haha...but I'm gonna surely put my sis's pic on here...Ok, bye guys.

Doug (9/13/04)





Wow, I haven't wrote for a while...Wellz, I said that I had the School thingy up, but it's not up yet, but that's what I am currently going to be workin on, not that hard, all I need to do is put the link up, and that should be done quite soon. 

Doug (9/2/04)




Hey guys.  Ok, i added a new link thing/blog.  For the moment its called Things Fall Apart, because that is like our homework thingy at the moment...go there and we can all talk about the book like a bunch of nerds! Yes! That's what you all want...talkin about school haha.


Doug (8-25-04)



Hey sorry guys for not writing anything for a while...I guess that I've been busy like...sitting around {^_^}.  Well I've started on my book report for Things Fall's actually not that hard to do, and I liked the book in the end..I sorta didn't want it to end, but it did with the main character hanging himself for what he believed sad.  Ok well , there has been nothing new lately as you can see.  And due to the constant put-downs of my pictures, I have decided to never add anything that I draw EVER again unless peeps just begin lying about how good my drawings are haha...K so bye ghettomancer, I'm sure you guys are all heartbroken haha.


Doug  (8-23-04)




Hey guys.  Wow, I'm surprised as to how many people have signed my guestbook ;-).  That makes me feel all warm on the inside...well not too much special going on.  I'm just about finished with Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe.  How are you CP kids doing with it? Hopefully good enough.  And on top of that homework, I have Euro AP that I need to do too >=| .  ok guys, talk to you later. (p.s. I changed my picture in the About Me section, so that I would look more recent.  I got a haircut =( but I guess that it isn't that bad ;-] )

-Doug (8-16-04)



Hey everyone.  Well, I got up yet another picture up in the drawings section.  Wo0t, go there and gaze at it's infinite I don't know what else to do for my site at the moment, but I'll find out eventually...yay.  Ok guys, see ya later. 17 more days until school....

-Doug ( 8-13-04 )




Wow...I am feeling so unloved by my friends.  None of you are even coming to my site! But why am I saying this if you aren't even reading it...oh well.  And if you want to know, all the stacked up numbers on my counter are from me going to my website over and over again...I'm my own biggest fan.  Anyways, I got up this funny picture of me in the drawings section of my site.  Well, at least I think its funny.  I got it at the beach....well you can just look at the picture for the details.  I'm gonna try and get some more pictures up.

-Doug (8-11-04)


Hey guys.  Enjoying you're summer vacation?  Hopefully so.  K, anyways, I'm gonna get up a little art section of some things I drew and another that someone else drew lol!  You're gonna laugh at my pics but oh well, at least I tried >;-P.

-Doug (8-9-04)







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