Wentzville Holt Cross Country
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Approaching 2004 Cross Country Season

Poll: What is your favorite part of XC?
Short Shorts
Bettering yourself
The Ladies!
The Guys!
Results will be posted next week

Anyone interested in getting a solid base this summer should meet with the team this summer. We meet every weekday at 7am and/or 7pm at Soby Field on the track. These practices are organized by the senior runners and for more information please contact Tim Brown (636) 459-0617.

What is Cross Country?
Many people confuse Cross Country, sometimes abbreviated 'XC', with Track. Unlike track Cross Country consists of a single event, 5K or 3.1 miles.

What to do in the summer:
In the summer its most important just to get in a lot of miles. Mix in some speed work, pace work, and weight lifting and your on track. Some schools require that you run at least 800 miles in the summer to be on varsity.

Check out the other possible location of the team float trip(2.3 MB). Let me know where you want it to be this year!
Page last up-dated on July 25th, 2004
© Tim Brown