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Weed Nation is a multi-game clan primarily based on Xbox Live we are currrently involved in Mechassault2 and Halo2.

I ask that all members of Weed Nation need to Email me with some basic information for the Members Page such information should include First Name, Age, Date of Birth, Hometown and State, Messaging Screenname(AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.) and Email address. You can have a picture for your Member page, I ask that it not be obsene. If it's a simple Clan Logo I can get it myself or you can mail it to me at be sure to include your Gamertag and "Weed Nation" in the heading. Also include a short description of yourself or other interests outside of gaming if you like as well. You can see my page for an Idea of what I'm thinking of going for.

When you go to the Message Boards for the first time you'll need to register. I'd suggest using your Xbox Gamertag as your username there, so we all know who's who. There's more to come....Eventually. If anyone has any suggestions feel free to help.


Be sure to check the Message Boards for updates.

Site News

I've been making lots of new changes to the site. I hope that this means it will run smoother, and that it will make my life easier when it comes to editing. I think I have gotten all of the bugs worked out on the changes. If you run into a broken link or a missing picture then please email me.

I've created a clan email and messaging list. You can find it on the Members page. Let me know if there need to be any changes made.

Our Links

Members List (Always Under Construction)
The Weed Nation News and Message Boards
All Our Links to Cool Shit
Site updates posted here

Comming Soon
