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If you wish to contact me, you can e-mail at, but since I get a lot of junk mail, I will only read your mail if you use the correct subject.


If you want to.... - Subject to put

...Give site feedback - ViperGames - Feedback

...Leave a game review* - ViperGames - Review - Game Name

...Ask for game help** - ViperGames - Help - Game Name

...Tell me the Latest and Greatest News - ViperGames - News

...Propose a trade/Buy/Sell*** - ViperGames - Transactions



* - If you want to leave a game review there are a few guidelines you must follow. 1.) You must clearly state the game your reviewing 2.) Your review must be short and to the point 3.) You must give a  rating 0.1 - 10.0 4.) Please leave a name for me to put as the author. Doesn't have to be your real name, like a forum name or something. If no name is left I will use your email address. 5.) You must not put anything derogatory in your review... I reserve the right to edit any comments I feel are inappropriate 6.) I will email you back letting you know if I am going to post your review, but please don't be offended if your review isn't posted. I want good quality reviews that are unbiased and to the point, and are something fellow gamers will want to read.

**- If you are stuck on a game I would be more than willing to try and help you, but I will only provide help on a game I own. So before you email me, check and make sure I have the game. If you email me about a game I don't have, you email will get deleted without being read.

***- Please, do not propose a trade to me until you have read everything on the trades page, Look to your left to find the page I'm talking about.