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Viewer's Pick - Under Construction

March 24, 2004

We are a site devoted to reviews on mainly games, movies, anime, music, and other forms of media. We are still planning out many things and are under construction. Please check out our site in about a weeks time and something should be up by then, hopefully!

*Note this is only a temporary site until we find a webserver with a larger disc space, when the change comes we will inform you.

- TeddyBomber (V.K.)

*UPDATE* - March 25, 2004

We will be planning out over the next two weeks what will be on the site as a foundation. After that if we get any ideas or suggestions as of what to add we take them into consideration and will add those new topics too. As of now, we are doing reviews primaly on the Gamecube, Computer, and then on the Xbox, PS2, Blockbuster Movies, classic movies (e.g. Resevoir Dogs), Anime series (e.g. Cowboy Bebop), and Anime Movies (e.g. Princess Mononoke). We will also be doing a few previews on movies, games, and animes to come. Some of these may include information collected on the anime movie Appleseed (if we are up before it is out it will be a preview). The main theme of this site is that we wish to take in request of games and movies to review and we wil process the requests as soon as possible. In the beginning the processing will be slow but as we expand our workforce the waitime should decrease. We also plan on having a forum for each system, reviews, previews, a few other topics and a 24hr general chat room. If you have any questions on our website please contact me at the e-mail listed at the bottom. If you do have any comment and or questions and decide to e-mail us, please mention in the subject box that it is concerning "VIEWER'S PICK", thank you.

*NOTE* We have found a decent host that will be ideal for our case and our one step closer to accomplishing our task. Now all we require is complete planning and we will be "GO".

*NOTE* Check out the Movie section by The Haunting over HERE

- TeddyBomber (V.K.)

*UPDATE* - March 30, 2004

As you might know we are a reviewing site, however at the moment we are only 3 people, we are yet to speak to others to join. We would also like to recruit other people who are interested in games and have good writing skills. If you are interested please e-mail me from the link below. Let us know what you can do for which systems, and we will try to find a place for you. So if you are interested let us know and we will e-mail you with complete details. Thanks for your time.

- TeddyBomber (V.K.)


For all you members part of the X-play community, it is true, TTV is apparently merging with G4 ( I myself have not looked into the case too much). Some people are a little sad about certain circumstances. What I have decided to do is to create a forum associating with this website that will named something along the lines of "X X-Play" (that is if they decided to cancel it in the process of the merger). In any case if it does merge we know the G4 and X-play boards will also be merged and there will be changes. I have observed that the majority of these changes seem to be negative in the eyes of the X-play community. My forums will be a place where members of the X-play community can reunite. Of course they won't be able to talk about the show considering how the show probably won't exist anymore, but it will be any area to chat with familiar people. If you have any comments or questions that you wish to bring to our attention, please do not hesitate and e-mail us at the link at the bottom of this page and we will reply a.s.a.p.

- TeddyBomber (V.K.)

GOOD NEWS, we are experimenting with our message boards and have a temporary one up! Check it out HERE

Current Reviewers:

> TeddyBomber (V.K.)

> The Haunting (N.B.)

> Raven (K.R.)

> quxmax

> cooldude
