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*GtA vICe CiTy*

*taBle oF cONteNts*
1-- uPdates
2-- intr0duct!on
3-- a d0§e of me
4-- copy right junk
5-- th3 gamë
6-- wantEd levels
6*1- what they do &
höw to get ®id of them
7-- cøPs
8-- maken the bLinGy*BliNg
9-- tiPs f0r GameRs
10-- the ¢a®§z
10*1- the list
10*2- løcations
10*3- blow them up
11-- h0ok3®sz?¿?
12-- c0nt®0l§
13.1-- Ken R0senburg
13.o1- The party
13.o2- back alley brawl
13.o3- jury fury
13.o4- ri0t

1-- UpDaTeZ*

6*29.o3 pretty big update. i did introduction, me, the game, copyright stuff, wanted levels, cops, tips for gamers, maken the blingy bling, some cars, hookers, and controllers. Still no 'walkthrough' yet, but im getting to it. I might start the walkthrough, if i don't ill start tomorrow or maybe on tuesday. I added a nice title up there, and a few pictures here and there.
6*28.03 just made the walkthrough. a lot of things are still down, but give me some time to do them. i made part of the table of contents and got a background.

***** 2--introduction *****

Welcome to the 1980's.
Welcome to Vice City, a huge urban sprawl stretching from the beach to the swamps and the glitz to the ghetto, a town brimming with delights and degradation.

Having just made it back onto the streets of Liberty City after a long stretch inside, Tommy Vercetti is sent to Vice City by his old boss, Sonny Forelli. But all does not go smoothly upon his arrival in the glamorous, hedonistic metropolis of Vice City. Tommy is set up and loses everything. Sonny wants his money back, but the biker gangs, Cuban gangsters, and corrupt politicians stand in his way. Most of Vice City seems to want Tommy dead. His only answer is to fight back and take over the city himself.

***** 3-- a d0§e of me *****
Me? Well, you want to know about me? Well, I'm making this walkthrough/FAQ/whatever, and so yes, My name is Sarah, and yes im a girl. *shock* *ggasp* a girl likes Vice City! yes, i do, its my favorite game, and yes, i am done, i completed it. I love it, and i play it all the time, its replay ability is very big to me because there is so much to do. Well, i can't reveal my last name to you, because you might be a stalker, now wouldn't you? I'm not paranoid, but it's not like you NEED to know my last name. if you KNOW me, you know my last name. but if you don't.. no need for you to know my last name. well anyways, i live in massachusetts, yes, far far away from Florida where the game is set. I am trying my best to make a nice FAQ for note the pretty colors, and the backgrounds? I even included a picture. i should be rewarded :-D lol

***** 4--COPYRIGHT juNk *****
Please note that this FAQ, and everything on it is Copyright. The pictures do not belong to me, HOWEVER, you may NOT use, distribute, sell, or paste it anywhere, and you MUST have my permission to do these things. Not following the rules could lead to harsh penalties of plagerism, such as sueing, fining, and fraud. And yes, i am dead serious. Do not think i am joking, because if i see my FAQ anywhere without my permission, i WILL chat with the owner and, if possible, fine you. Thanks, and have a wonderful day.

(this page)
if you see it ANYWHERE besides here please email me immediately with the site, and what they copied. Title your email 'Plagerism'.

***** 5-- th3 gamë *****
This game is called Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. For short, its GTA: VC. Or GTA Vice City, or even GTA Vice. This game is rated M for mature, for strong violence, blood and gore, strong language, and strong sexual content.It (should) "only be viewed by 17 year olds and older", however this does not stop a ton of younger people from playing it ;), because it is just soo dammmn good! i'm only 13 but.. :) hah. anyways, if you want to buy it and your not "of age", get your parent, sister, brother, older friend, whatever, to buy it for you. I asked my mom and she did, not knowing it was rated M.. :P.. though i had the money and bought it so she didn't return it.. make sure to at least chip in because if they fully buy it, they WILL fully return it if they see whats on it and dont like it.

***** 6-- want3d levels ***** wanted levels are the stars up above on your top hand right screen. There are 6 in total, however you cannot get six stars until you have completed "Sir Yes Sir". These stars mean how much you're wanted, and the more stars you have the more powerful reinforcements the police will collect in order to take you down.
6*1. what th3y d0 and h0w t0 g3t rid 0f th3m

1 STAR (* STAR)-- to get one star, hit, punch, stab, shoot, chainsaw, grenade, rocket launch, blow away, a person, a car, helicopter or a boat and have a cop see you. Running over a few people in a row (like a whole gang), Hitting a cop car, attempting to steal a cop car, or stealing any kind of vehicle in front of a cop, will also get you one star. If you destroy enough vehicles, you'll get a star. Virtually everything naughty but fun will get you a star. Ramming a cop car will get you a star. They dont mind if you tap them, but if you make them spill their coffee and doughnuts, they'll be pissed, and call'i'd chase you but ive had too many doughnuts'. although if you ram other cars, nothing happens. How strange...
WHAT THEY DO: they come and beat you with big black sticks because you've been a naughty boy!! Haha. Also, police cars that happen to 'drive by' or see you will turn on their siren and follow you, very slowly. You'll lose them hopefully, unless your driving something like a baggage handler, in which case erm.. good luck.
TO GET RID OF 1 STAR: Pfft, you have to ask me for this? Plain and simple, driving around will make it go down, just make sure you dont run over any cops or another mob of gang members. and if you're "in doubt" about it, just grab a police bribe, they're everywhere. one is near the north point mall, another is off a ramp.. somewhere. look around and you'll find one. and in all your hideouts and/or clothes stores, you'll find clothes. Get some clothes to get rid of one, measly, pathetic star.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: wow, thats pathetic. lets all laugh at you. *points and laughs* you call yourself a criminal? all you did was bust a head, and you get pulled over by a cop. how pathetic. dont even call yourself a criminal at all, more like a little pansy. anyways, if you get busted with ONE measly little star, wimpy boy, 100$ will be taken away, plus your weapons will be gone.. (*gasp gasp*)
2 STARS (** STARS)-- to get two stars, run over a cop, drive over a shitload of people, go on a mini killing spree and kill about 10 people in a row, or steal a car and have a cop see you, and than run him over. There are millions of combos, but basically just do twice as much damage than one star. think ya can handle it?
WHAT THEY DO: now, cops get a erm, 'bit' more serious. Police cars will come reeling around corners, one even pinned me to the wall and killed me. Anyways, if you're in a car, be prepared to be flipped, rammed or whatever from all sides. Dont worry, nothing serious yet. Cops will now be SHOOTING you, so you're not exactly safe ilke before, where you could run and nothing happened to you, because the guy was behind you and 'doughnut boy' couldnt catch up.
HOW TO GET RID OF: Well, get a clothes pickup. That will get rid of the two stars immediately. If you completed the assets and stuff for the game, than clothes will be at most of your assets, i couldn't remember one at the sunshine autos, but i could remember the malibu, so in the future when you own that, run upstairs and grab the outfit. or, simply go to your hotel and change. or, even simplier, go to a clothes store if you can remember where it is, and pick up some clothes you acquired from beating missions. simple as pie. oh and uh, dont try driving around to make it go away. it wont work. or you can just try a police bribe and than drive around till it goes away. hurrah. or if your really queer and stupid, get to a pay n' spray, you wimpy no good little criminal you, giving up only on two measley stars.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: pretty sad, but better than one star. anyways, you'll get 200$ taken and weapons gone. *gasp*
3 STARS (*** STARS)-- cause massive amounts of destruction! i found blowing up a police car with a rocket launcher, lobbing grenades at people, and shooting clumps of people helped me get 3 stars very easily. do one of those, a combination of killing , drive bying, or ramming police cars and than killing the officers, and you'll have 3 in no time. ;)
WHAT THEY DO: uh oh, spaghettios! Now cops are even MORE vicious (i found they actually go INTO the lane now on those seperate two way highways unlike the roads, and ram you on full sides) on the road. Want another dose? Spike strips are now being layed down on the side walk, which will pop your tires. (go around the sidewalk or far into the street to avoid these. Oh, and also... ROAD BLOCKS! Thats right, litlte police men are out in the street, shooting at you with their little cars parked and little road blocks, how cute. RAM. thats what i do. ram them hard, and knock out a police officer to sleep permanently, and keep driving. Plus, undercover cops pulling up in cheetahs (i found them to either be a dark blue or silver, those must be their fave colors) will RAM you hard, and their fast, DAMN fast, so you'd need a hotring racer or something to outrun them, plus damn their guns hurt. i think its an Uzi, nothing special, but a huge upgrade from a stupid Colt 45 like the police men have... AND TO TOP IT ALL OFF WITH A BOWL OF CHERRIES? POLICE HELICOPTERS! thats right, police helicopters will come and find you and kll you and shoot you to death, ur not safe anywhere. Plus if you stay in the same place and just shoot people, little men will repel down a rope and come kill you! hot damn!!
HOW TO GET RID OF: pay n' spray is good. You could try police bribe, than clothes in that order which will work too.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: 300$ and weapons taken. see a pattern?
4 STARS (**** STARS) here's what i'd do: run a cop over, shoot the people that come, shoot more people that come, blow up the police cars with a rocket launcher, and shoot a few more people on the street, that should give you plenty of stars. 4 stars!!
WHAT THEY DO: not only are there fun road blocks, spike strips, undercover cops, helicopters, police men shooting at you, and vicious, VICIOUS cop cars that literally flipped me over, made me suffocate under my car and die, but woohoo, youve done it: THE SWAT TEAM HAS ARRIVED. if you've experienced the guys that repel down from the helicopters, your not in for a surprise. they look the same, they have the same guns, except a cool, flashing little van which is oh so wonderful in all its glory. newayz... their guns are FAST, theyll KILLL YOU, so RUNN AWAYYYYY...
HOW TO GET RID OF: get to a frickin pay n' spray!! naw, seriously, ud need two police bribes and clothes, which is pointless. best advice: PAY N SPRAY. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE PAY N SPRAY WILL NOT TAKE THE FOLLOWING VEHICLES: POLICE CARS. ENFORCERS (the swat team van). RHINOS. (army tank) well thats all i found so far, though im pretty sure they wont take the Barracks OL either, though they WILL take FBI ranchers, the undercover cop Cheetahs, and all the other cars.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: go down in shame in front of the swat team. are you a man?! jk. its alot harder than it sounds. anyways if you get BUSTED, 400$ taken away and weapons. i'd be thinking you'd commit suicide by now and stand in front of the swat team, because if you get wasted only 100$ gets taken away and weapons.. but you're not that smart now are u..
5 STARS (***** STARS) woot. you want 5 stars? give it to me, baby. wow. dont ask.. anyways, heres what to do: just shoot everyone you see, torch every car you see, hit everything, kill everything, blow helicopters out of the sky with rocket launchers, and run over a shitload of people, and vuola, uve got 5 stars. do 5x as much damage as the 1 star people.
WHAT THEY DO: all the stuff from 4 stars, plus the FBI come in their huge ranchers and kill you with their fast-as-swat-team- guns. they're dressed in black suits... beware..
HOW TO GET RID OF: PAY AND SPRAY! drive your no wheels, on fire, banged up, mashed and demented distorted car into a frickin pay and spray, please!!! jeez christ almighty.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: 500$ and weapons.
6 STARS (****** STARS... FULL)-- in order to get six stars, basically just wreak havoc all over the city! tanks are good at this, so if you have one, use it. Blow everything up, kill everyone you see, torch, fire, chainsaw, cars or whatever. once again, the tank is good. it might take a couple minutes, but you'll have six stars.
WHAT THEY DO: now you've done it! (plEasE noTe ThaT yOu cAN OnlY gEt 6 StArs OncE uVe comPleTed Sir Yes Sir for CoLoneL coRteZ) now youve done it! (in case u forgot) youve made EVERYONE pissed. You wont be able to live. THEIR HUGE, HUMONGOUS, GIGANTIC, ENORMOUS TANKS WITH THEIR LITTLE SPINNY THING THAT SHOOTS OUT FIRE, THE RHINO, IS COMING TO GET U, AND IF YOU TOUCH IT, YOU DIE. plain and simple, baby. if you do manage to get out of THEIr way, itll be barracks OL, road blocks, helicopters, vicious EVERYTHING , you wont be able to last 2 seconds without getting rammed from something, plus road blocks spike strips and everything imaginable. the army people wlil take you out in 5 seconds flat, so seek shelter ...
HOW TO GET RID OF: how about this: commit suicide. Itll prevent you from even making an effort, because thats what id do. come on , the army? id take out a few people, than stand in front of the tank and go down in shame. simple as pie. OR IF YOUR FEELING DARING, I DARE YOU TO GO TO THE PAY AND SPRAY. IF YOU CAN MANAGE, YOU'LL BE REWARDED... W/ YOUR LIFE.
IF YOU GET BUSTED: damned, your still getting BUSTED? Vc's police department shoots first, and asks questions later, but whatever, it depends how long uve had six stars. could be anywhere from 600$ to 10,000$ and weapons taken away, cuz if youve had 6 stars for a long time, be prepared to fork over some pretty damn serious dough.

***** 7--cøPs *****
Cops are what to look out for in vice city. They wear brown suits, dark brown pants, and have blonde hair, and walk with a kind of strut. I have a suspiciously strange feeling that they might be gay, because they say things to tommy like 'just you and me, big boy' and plus their pants are unusually tight. You'll learn this in a later mission... Anyways, they're here for the pedestrians safety, but not to your liking. If a cop sees you do something naughty, you get a star. So whatever you do, dont chainsaw, stab, shoot, punch, or rocket launch anything near a cop. but feel free to be nice around cops, and than chainsaw, stab, shoot, punch or rocket launch the thing you wanted to after they have left a considerable distance between you and themselves. For rocket launching, make sure they're way down the street, please. Not two feet behind you.

***** 8-- mak3n the blingy BlIngY *****
here are some tips to make money.
1: do all the R3 missions. ambulances pay good but they'll flip over, in order to summon an ambulance kill a few people, and if you hear a siren it's coming. Steal it, and do your missions. get a clothes pickup if necessary. the taxi missions are easiest, and pay decent. steal a taxi when you can, they're uh.. yellow. Also if you get busted, you'll be at the police station. take the police car that's not locked and do the vigilante missions. if you do all these, you can have a couple thousand dollars pretty easily in no time.
2: dont get busted stupidly! if you've got 5 stars and you get busted, you're screwed. they take 500$ away, or a huge sum. In the game thats too precious to waste. when in doubt, get wasted. jump into the water and commit suicide, it only takes 100$ away from you.
3: kill a few people on the streets. when they die, most of the time there will be money floating around them. take it and run. If you've got a star, drive around till it goes away, wait about 15 seconds after the star went away, and repeat the process. i've done this a lot and gotten a ton of money. every once in a while when you kill someone, they'll have a ton of money, like 300$. woohoo!!
4: save your money. don't buy any 'washington whatever' so early in the game after you've just earned 2500$ and you're so proud of yourself. im dead serious, SAVE IT. save it up for hyman condos, thats 14,000$. its on the west island, but there are 3 garages, a save point, and a respawning helicopter. plus, the missions pay so good once you progress, and the assets, you can buy everything to your hearts content later. but for now, money is valuable, so dont blow it on stupid things.
5: wanna cheat? If you do, use the weapons, armor and health codes. they'll save you money to buy the expensive weapons, which could cost 8,000$, and believe me that is an extremely hefty price to pay when all you gotta do is enter a few buttons in the PS2 to get the same weapon-- and more. (scroll down for my cheats).

***** 9-- tiPs f0r gam3®s *****
some tips for the gamers.
1* try not to get wasted! There are always health pickups around, at every single hospital, and there are body armor pickups around too, and at weapons stores you can buy body armor a teensy bit later. also, if your in the mall and you see a food court, if your low on health, order some pizza! no dead seriously, order some pizza/hamburger/food. it'll replenish your health for a measly 20 bucks. Keep repeating this till youve got health. or, if you want, do the health and armor cheats. always works for me ;)
2* dont fall off motorbikes stupidly. sure, motorcycles are fun, but too many falls and you'll die. Motorcycles are very sensitive, and if you hit anything going over more than 10 miles per hour, prepare to fly.
3* can't beat a mission? wait a while. go on a killing spree, go jogging, read a book, play outside, take a nap, eat something, play piano, basketball, whatever. than really concentrate and do your best, and try a couple times. if you get frustrated, that'll get you nowhere, and make you die even more. if you REALLY can't beat it, then its just impossible. that was me with the dildo dodo mission. i cant beat it. i guess than just make your sister beat it for you, or a friend, and save it immediately. or give it a couple more chances.
4* dont fall off buildings too much. you can take serious damage for falling often, and whatever you do dont take an adrenaline pill and fall off the sidewalk repeatedly. i learned that the hard way...(adrenaline pills can be found in all health and pharmacy stores).
5* remember to always go into missions with full health, for west island missions, full armor too. remember to ALWAYS have 1 good weapon, but for advancing, remember to have 3 or 4. or, just use the weapon code.

***** 1o-- the ca®§z *****

1o.1 the list
admiral* a normal looking car, with good handling and okay speed. it reminds me of the sentinel...speed: 5/10.
Ambulance* speeds prety good, but dont expect to bump anyone without swaying dangerously. its durability sucks like huge ass, and you flip over in no time. speed:6.5/10.
angel (MOTORCYCLE): the harley dudes ride these. It makes a hell of a lot of noise, but its got great handling. not as speedy as i had hoped, though. speed: 5.5/10.
baggage handler* there the cars that the people at the airport drives. its got pretty good handling, but the speed is devastating. speed: 2.5/10.
barracks OL* the big, big army truck!! There are army people in here. i havent ridden in one, but its got good handling and okay speed. speed: 5/10.
burrito* a slow moving van with good handling, except if you flip. speed: 3.5/10.
caddy* a cute little golf cart car. AWESOME handling, but not good speed. speed: 3.5/10.
comet* its a cute little car, you know the volkswagon beetles? the front looks like that. its a fast, cute sport car thats a convertible. pretty damned good handling. speed: 8/10.
cheetah* the fastest non secret car in the game. see that picture up above? thats the backing of a cheetah. its a sexy car, it is. and its got great handling. speed: 8.5/10.
faggio (MOTORCYCLE): i dunno why everyone disses the faggio. it doesnt have THAT bad speed. its okay, its like a scooter/motorbike looking thing. its handling is great. speed: 4.5/10.
(FBI) Cheetah* its basically the same thing as a normal cheetah, except with lights and you can do vigilante missions. speed: 8.6/10 (okay, maybe there slightly faster.)
FBI Rancher* a faster version of the Rancher. get ready to be pounded, but if you've got one, get ready to pound! awesome handling. speed: 7/10.
gang burrito* a souped up burrito! its a fast moving van that looks cool, and its just well.. awesome! they made a huge difference in speed. speed: 6.5/10.
infernus* another sexy car that is fast. its a lamborghini, i think and its very sexy. it has slightly worse handling than a cheetah. speed: 8/10.
mesa grande* ever seen a jeep wrangler? this is a look-alike. i LOVE these things, there pretty damn fast and have great handling!!!! speed: 7/10.
PCJ 600 (MOTORCYCLE)* a fast, cute, sleek, sexy sporty little motorbike, that can really FLY! that is, if you can stay on it. its HANDLING is good, but its difficult to control. speed: 9/10 (!)
Police* the police car!! get ready to bust some people. to turn on the sirens and make everyone get out of your way and go full speed, tap the horn button VERY fast twice. sometimes it turns off if you tap it too much, so just try again. speed: 8/10.
sentinel* a normal old car. It's got decent speed and good handling. speed: 6/10.
rhino* WOO WOO! our tank is back from GTA 3, and just as evil as before. with a spinny firey thing, if i know what this is called someday ill tell you. TIP: TURN IT AROUND ALL THE WAY WITH THE RIGHT ANALOG STICK AND FIRE IT REPEATEDLY WHILE MOVING TO REALLY MAKE IT MOVE FASTER. THIS SERIOUSLY WORKS I TRIED IT. TRY IT!!! IM DEAD SERIOUS. speed: 3/10. with it turned around!!! speed: 6/10!!!
sentinel XS* a souped-up version of the sentinel. its got ridges in the back, so thats how you can tell the difference. better handling and better speed. speed: 7.5/10.
stinger* a nice convertible with the slanting headlights and a convertible. its bigger than a comet, but its still very hot. pretty good handling. speed: 8/10.
squalo (BOAT)* its a great little boat! Its got pretty good handling, and fast speed on the water. Its pretty good at making turns!! woohoo! speed: 6.5/10.
tropicana (BOAT)* ever seen those huge cruise boats? this is one of them. i found one lying on a dock somewhere, and believe me are they fun. theyre slow though, but hey, aren't all cruise boats slow? great handling. speed: 3.5/10.
virgo* argh. its not very hot, and it doesnt have good speed. good handling though. speed: 5/10.
washington* a long looking car, with great handling but bad, bad speed. speed: 4/10.

well, dats alll da wuns i can think of. i know i missed a ton, but when i think of more i'll add them l8er. there not that important. on to the next section!

***** 11- h0ok3®§z *****
soo, you wanna pick up a hooker do you? this is a little trick in the game. this works better at night by the way. well, heres what you do. go up to a hooker (there are 3 kinds. they are the one that look like sluts that walk with WAY too much of a strut. theres one with a black skimpy top, and 2 other ones.) anyways, pull up near the sidewalk in a car thats not banged up (preferably nice), and wait a while. if a scary looking guy comes up to your car like hes gonna steal it, back away and than run him over. he really WILL steal your car. anyways a girl will talk to you through your window, and than get in the car. she will immmediately start taking away money fast, so find a secluded place quick! when i mean secluded, i mean on the beach, in some bushes, or in a dark alley. anyway, once you stop the car will start to rock if ur in a secluded enough area. its pretty damn hilarious actually. the girl uh.. says some things.. and so does tommy. the rocking gets more and more, than it stops soon after. now look at your health. 125!!! awesome. now, when she gets out, run her over and steal all your money back. tada!

***** 12-- CONTROLS *****
X= sprint
O= fire weapon of choice or punch.
/\= get in a vehicle. (boat, helicopter, plane, motorcyle, car..)
|_| ( jump.
left analog stick- control Tommy
right analog stick- nothing while on foot..
R1- aim weapon of choice, manual aim for sniper rifle
R2- go forward through inventory of weapons
L1- nothing on foot..
L2- go backward through inventory of weapons
L3 (press down LEFT analog stick)- crouch
R3 (press down RIGHT analog stick)- zoom
X= accelerate
O (alone)= nothing in vehicle...
/\= get out of vehicle, bail out
|_| (square)- i have never tried square in car... so i cant say.. but maybe the vehicle jumps
LEFT analog stick- control the car, turn, steer
RIGHT ANALOG STICK- control hose in firetruck, control turret (THATS whatits called!) in rhino
L1- change the radio station
L2- look to the left
L2 and O-- perform drive-by on the left side.
L3- honk the horn, turn on the siren in emergency car
R1- nothing while in car..
R2- look right
R2 and O- perform drive-by on the right side.
R3- start an R3 mission in an R3 vehicle.

when you first complete the game, the opening cinematic might not make a lot of sense. Basically, Tommy Vercetti is who Sonny Forelli and the other guys are who is unleashing in Vice City. he's just been locked up for 15 years, and now he's out of the prison cell. He wants Tommy to go to the deal, so Ken Rosenburg the shmuck of a lawyer who wears pink, they drive him to the deal. (drug deal). however while Tommy and the other guys were exchanging money and drugs, the people in the back shoot them! it was a setup, shit! so tommy runs, and ken rosenburg waits in the car and tommy dives in and goes 'drive drive drive!' tommy lives, and ken lives, but everyone else is dead. He doesn't have the money, but after ken talks they'll talk about it later in the morning.
If you wanna, wait awhile to go there. I'd suggest doing some taxi missions, hijack a taxi and do some of those. Use a weapon code if you'd like, and kill some people on the streets for their money, than drive around. once your done fooling, go to the L on your screen which means lawyer. as soon as you get in a vehicle there will be a special announcement saying hurricane will hit the city. damn! you don't have access to the west island. Not until alot later..
13.o1- The party
Difficulty: 1/10 (!)
Watch the Cinematic. Now get a car, maybe Rosenburgy's white Admiral? Did you save it? If you didn't, jack a car. who cares what. Now drive to the Party. watch the cinematic, and than take Mercedes to the Pole Position. ... drive her there... if you can't do this or its too difficult, do us all a favor and burn your game in a fire or return it. Smash and step on it in fury. There you go. feel better?
1o.o2- Back Alley Brawl
Difficulty: 1.5/10
Go to the chef. Once you battle with your fists of fury, take his cell phone. Here comes a black dude. He wants to save you?! Can you trust him? you'll have to. More angry chefs are behind you with knives. Dare to fight them all, or hop in his car. Now drive. drive. drive. drive. To the Ammunation store. Woohoo, mission passed.
1o.o3- Jury Fury