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Vanilla Coke
This is the new and improved,


Heavy Metal




VC Message Board

fdgddgfgf This is the new and improved,

This site has anything I feel like puttin on it. That is all.

Yeah and if you find anything like links that don't work for more than 24 hours, or anything really crazy let me know about it! See my email below.

Right now I'm workin on getting LUEshi onto my site. Patience!!

HHmmmmm. Seems like Coca-Cola has contacted me of some copyright infringment crap. And i just wanted to have a site, *commits suicide and leaves a note blameing the coca-cola company*. this site might have to move. or be taken down. or something i dont even know what they got against me yet for the most part. could it be my site address heck can they really claim they own those two words stacked together in a site thats non-profit? not like i pay for this site, or get paid by people to put their adds on here. (angelfire puts those ads on here cuz im not paying for it) and they advertise on

Plus, says this domain names are distributed by the provider and cant be copywritten.

Can I copyright my domain name? Copyright law does not protect domain names. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a nonprofit organization that has assumed the responsibility for domain name system management, administers the assignation of domain names through accredited registers.

taken from :

Email me at: VC@VanillaCoke.Tk

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