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Venom Links 


Rules of Membership

Special Events

Voting System



News: 01/15/03 8:50AM - My job requires me to go away for 12 days everyone.  Udesky will be holding the fort down while I'm away.  I will be back on the 27th!
     Good luck to you all!

01/13/03 4:49PM - It is time to explain to all Venom members and ex-members some history about the guild and myself.
     When I created Venom I was only level 30 or so and knew very little about E&B.  I am now level 119 and know quite a bit.  We were formed by 6 friends at a local Cybercade (Local Area Networked Internet Gaming Cyber Cafe) which gives us a strong back bone and a friendly atmosphere.
     The way that I have grown Venom has been great for popularity and growth, but I feel the need to change us into a strict guild with integrity.  We will not cut back on the levels of allowed characters; although, we will be very strict on activity.  If your character is not active for 1 week without ingame or email notification to me.  I will kick it from the guild.  I feel it is very important go keep things realistic.  We should not appear larger than we really are because it forms a sense of false security.  We should not have characters in the guild that we don't really care about or are just there to fill the empty spaces.  We are Venom, a proud undeniable force of power.  It is our job to insure that the guild is true to form and exactly what we would dream it to be.  I'm not saying delete your characters, but to simply take the ones that you don't play with out of the guild, or I will be forced to do it myself.
     We will no longer be mass recruiting or spam advertising and there will be no further notice.  We will recruit through word of mouth, group buddies, and those who see Venom as something to be admired and joined.
     The ranking system will be based upon character level.  It is too hard for a leader to deal with all the complaints and questions.  I am going to post a system under the 'Rules of Membership' section.  It will be as follows:

L10: Recruit
L30: Member
L50: Sergeant
L75: Officer

     You must remember, however, that if you become inactive and I have no notification, your character will be kicked and not allowed back in for a period of 30 days.  I'm forming a log system to keep track of all entrances and dismissals.
     We are now committed to the following:

0.  The Guild
1.  Respect
2.  Activity
3.  Structure
4.  Decisive Recruiting.

     All other commitments are not guild priorities and will only come after the necessary requirements have been met.

12/19/02 3:45AM - ..::ALERT::.. We will not be recruiting until further notice.  The time has come for us to strengthen our heart and become a substantially dangerous power in Pegasus.  I have recognized many things as of now and have come to this most certain conclusion. I am pretty sure that we lost three officers tonight.  This is a tragic loss but easily overcome, and I am thankful that it has happened in Venom's youth.  We shall prevail and have our revenge.  VENOM will bite back and sink its deadly poison into the enemy.

"Merely a snake approaches from behind and death draws near"

-Verpian [Venom Leader]

12/01/02 3:23PM - Hail Venom.  This is Verpian coming through loud and clear.  All members be sure to check out the forum for news on the guilds new path.  Please email me or make your own posts on the matter.  

#1. -------->START POLLS<-----------

Venom is still growin, so those of you who have been with us for awhile please be patient on the special events and other more glammorous things.  It will be only after I have my chain of command properly established that the guild will start repeating the benifites.

If any recruit/member/officer wishes for a promotion, you will speak with me privately on the matter and I will decide if you meet the specifications.  They have not been posted no the rules yet.  Also, remember fellow Venom veterans, you have the power to overthrow any of my decisions by the power of votes.  Let it be known, spread your beliefs, and force me to notice you.  I have a lot of things to deal with and giving every member is hard work.  This is also why I have been choosing my 6 officers to help lead the guild.  IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY OFFICERS: START A POLL.  But I hope that you will all trust in my knowledge and ability to choose of our best and our most likely leading options.

The roster has been updated and reformed.

-Verpian [Venom Leader]

11/21/02 3:37PM - Hello Hello!!  I just updated the roster.  Things have been a little slow for me on updating because I've been busy with my babe :).. sorry guys, but I'm sure you understand ;).

I've gotta go, very sick right now.. I'll be updating much more when I feel better... *cough cough*

-Verpian OUT [Venom Leader]

11/18/02 1:21PM - OK, the roster has been updated *cough cough*.  And I officially have a nice little cold, but it's ok because one of our newer members (Area) also has a cold with me!  I'm not alone! :)

     We have many things coming into development.  Ghost has been telling me about certain things happening in the guild, good website to check out, and other helpfull stuff.  Ghost is our highest level member!  I think you all should give him a round of applause whenever possible :)  We've got our first Captain!

     The goal when PvP comes out is to have 6 and up nicely organized groups that are prepped and ready for battle.  Our officers will hopefully be available almost always, and I'm doing my best to be here as much as possible.  The groups will be ran by Me to my Officers, my officers to their 12 sergeants, and the 12 sergeants under each officer to their members.  We won't worry about recruits yet, for they aren't exactly in the functioning body of the guild, but merely the proving grounds.  Like I said to all of you guys who can't seem to register on the forum, I think over half of the guild has already registered, so it is quite possible :).  If you can't seem to register, it's not too hard to ask one of the superiors in the guild a question or simply contact  Do whatever it is you have to do!  You could always call their 1-800 number ;).  Well, if you still can't seem to get registered for god knows why.  You can get promoted to Member status after 14 days of loyal service in VENOM.  I must remind you, though.  It's going to be very hard to earn any higher promotions unless you have some really really good ingame skills or help for our newbies.  That is all.

oK,  Keep FIGHTING, EXPLORING, AND TRADING my fellow humans.

-Verpian OUT [Venom Leader]

11/15/02 12:10PM - We're going to cut back on the rabid recruiting like we've been doing lately (err: I have ;) ).  I want everyone to get to know each other and for Venom to become like a family.  Then once we're solid enough and have faith in each other.  We can head back out there in the channels in numbers and pull in the newbies (hopefully we'll be higher levels by then too).  Then we can train them and raise fearsome worriors.  I can't believe it, Ghost and Thabrain are still tied!  lvl 69!  lol...  Good work guys, I wonder if you'll ever break away from each other ;).  Keep posting polls and ideas so that I can see what the guild wants and who needs to be promoted.  I'm a very busy guy working almost three jobs, so please make things as managable as possible for me :)

-Verpian *bows*  [Venom Leader]

11/13/02 1:44AM - It's so late!  The roster has been updated with a few goodies added.  There's not too much news right now because my brain is on the edge.. heheh.  I'm going to give a few Officer and Sergeant positions right away now.  We just need to get on our feet and go at this moment.  If the guild thinks I make some bad decisions for those I promote.  It is then your responsibility to post a poll and get the guild to demote them!  The one thing I know for certain, however, is the fact that we need some solid government besides just myself.  I will be managing the forum ASAP and organizing the current issues.

ALRIGHT, *shutting down*  ZZZZZZzzzz...

-Verpian, OUT  [Venom Leader]

11/11/02 2:58PM - Hello Venom!  It's Verpian here, coming through loud and clear.  I slept in today!  Woooohoooo.  Anyways, on to some relevant news ;)

     I've been doing a lot of stuff to the forum: organization/stick notes and we have a new very important decision to make on the way things will be done from here on out!  VOTE VOTE VOTE ASAP!  We have 24 registered members and 56 guild members, way to go people but the other half of you.....  Get in on the action, go register!

     I don't have too much to say other than I've gotta focus on my character for a bit now ;)..  You're all catching me 'cause I'm so friggin' busy with everything.. lol..  You have the forum, the guild is in your hands!  Make it happen, tell me what to do, LET'S HAVE A BLAST!

-Verpian [Venom Leader]

11/10/02 1:54PM PST- Good afternoon everyone.  I'm currently updating and redoing the whole site right now.  Character stats are going to be updated daily now and you can see them by simply going to the Roster.  When I get the bios up we will have a 'Member Achievement' section as Aeden has requested.  This section will hold all medals, personally recruited members, and anything else special that you guys can think of.  The forum has it's final look, so I hope you're all pleased! :)  Please go vote for Aeden's promotion from Sergeant to Officer.  I really think he has what it takes to lead and serve the guild, so if you agree with me go vote YES for him!  The new promotion system is still being voted for so Aeden will be an exception to the structure right now.  And if any of you other members feel you should be promoted to any position....  Go post a poll for yourself!  Remember, the only members I take into consideration during the votes are the ones that are registered and have voted.  All silent members will not be heard, thus I greatly incourage you to register and become part of the action!  All new members must register on the forum to be recruited.  This is a new rule for be best of the guild.  We are going to remain close and strong by weeding out the members who really don't want to play the game and be part of a great guild.  Please remain in active participation on the forum or at least send me an email telling me what your current status is in E&B.  If I don't hear anything from any member for two weeks, I will be forced to put you on the inactive list which will eventually lead to dismissal from the guild (i.e two more weeks of inactivity).  You have up to one month before you a thoroughly removed; however, you will be put on a retirement sheet with all due respect.


-Verpian [Venom Leader]

11/08/02 11:28AM -
Oh yeah baby, we're flyin!  I've brightened the font color for one of our recruits.  I hope this helps you man :)
All members make sure you vote on the current issues at hand!  Active participation is important in this guild.  If you become inactive, you will be put on an inactive list and then eventually retired from the guild.  We have many changes that will be taking place with this website so hold tight!


-Verpian [Venom Leader]

11/08/02 3:32PM -
Here we go again!  I'm proud to announce the guild's total number of membership equalling 31!  Things are really blasting along for us now.  I would like to remind all new members and the ones who haven't heard yet to POST YOUR INFORMATION ON THE FORUM for your roster bio.  Welcome aboard Adagan, Alehandro, Halaninos, Hamlet, Jarn, Lotan, Perle, Qwikstrike, and Savagesilver.  It's great to have you all!  Aeden has made a request for a 'Member Achievement' section on the site
.  I'll start working on it right away.  It's going to have all members who have recruited with awards for certain numbers of players recruited.  This page will host all awards for all events.  I'm thinking about imbedding it with each individuals bio.  If anyone has any ideas for our 'Special Events' section, then please post them on the forum so all of us can see them.

There's going to be a certain number of recruits that each individual must attain for a promotion.  Plus, after the recruitment limit has been met, you must be voted into your rank by at least 70% of the guild.  Officers will have the most important duties in the guild.  They will have the most responsibility, and the highest level characters.  There will be exceptions for high level characters if you have something special to offer the guild like webpage management or major guild recruiting skills.  If you have any other ideas that you think might get you the position of Officer then post on the forum.  Sergeants will be the group leaders, and they will answer to the Officers.  The Officers will of course answer to me.  This is all for now!

-Verpian OUT  [Venom Leader]

11/07/02 6:41PM PST -
Hello all!  It's another wonderful night for the guild.  I would like to welcome our new members Flow, Jux, Monkeyforsale, Nomarkinax, Ish, and Foomansho.  It's great to have you guys and good luck!
 Get in the game and do some CL leveling guys!  I'm flying around with Caocao right now killing some level 30 Hippocampus mutants... I  must say, this seriously rocks, over 4000 cl XP!   The website is still coming along and the forum is up, I repeat once again, the forum is up!  ALL MEMBERS MAKE AT LEAST ONE POST ON THE FORUM TO STATE YOUR EXISTANCE TO THE GUILD.

The roster has been updated to add our new recruits.  To all members who have been asking Aeden about promotion:  We are implementing a voting system which will be driven  by our forum.  If you would like a promotion to higher rank, you must post your request in the forum (start a new thread).  Then all members who have an opinion will vote for you or vote against you.  The worth of each person's vote is determined by his rank.  Check the "Rules of Membership" to find out how much each rank is worth.

     Special events are on the way!
     We will hopefully get a HTML coded voting machine soon, so if any of the members have any of these skills either email me or post on the forum.

-Verpian [Venom Leader]                  

11/06/02 5:25PM PST
- All members please email me your email addresses at  Until I have the forum up, we will use email to vote on promotions and other guild related things.  Sovietunion left us tonight :(...  It turns out that he has a "real life" friend who wants him to join his guild and help out.  Good luck to you Soviet! =)
     It has come to my attention that some members are demanding promotions even though they haven't gone through the 14 day waiting period.  I propose a vote on the issue.  Please email your votes to me at

1. Enforce the rule
2. Do away with the rule
3. Propose to me a new improved rule and I will post it for voting

     Feel free to email me any ideas you have!

-Verpian [Venom Leader]

11/06/02 -
The webpage is up!  I'm happy to welcome all of our new recruits.  The site is still under major construction, and I'm putting all of my effort into getting all logical information on all members ASAP.  We're going to have days assigned for 24 hours of exploring with members who are new to the game/24 hour power leveling for those who are interested and want some social fun.  I will state for each member the time frames for which they play E&B to make finding and playing with each other easier.  Aeden, your comments, advice, and help in the guild are very appreciated.  Well, that's all for now!


-Verpian [Venom Leader]