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The UOSS Militia Webpage

Welcome to the Website of the UOSS Militia!

This website is devoted to the UOSS Militia - what it is, why you should join, the basics you need to know, even some advanced tactics. If you want to contribute ANYTHING to this page, feel free. E-mail it to, preferably in .doc or .txt format, for ease of reading. Do -not- mudmail, this can be annoying to read and transfer. Make sure to include your name - each page, at the bottom, will have a line giving credit to the creator of the page.

Good luck, and long live Elsendor! Death to the Lucavi!

1)What is the militia, and why you should join it if you haven't already.

2)The helpfiles from the MUD.

3)The different types of raids, and how to deal with them.

4)Some simple setups to be effective in most raids.

5)What is means to be a Commanding Officer (CO) or Secondary Officer (XO)

6)The joys of promotion.

7)Advanced Tactics

8)Frequently Asked Questions

9)Submission Rules

10)Other Useful Pages