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<{(RfA)}> is an old Unreal clan, formed by Dizzy long ago, back in the early days of Unreal. Unfortunately, due to circumstances I so far haven't been able to determine, <{(RfA)}> vanished from the multitudes of other Unreal clans. Finally, after a year or so, <{(RfA)}> resurfaces with a fresh team of members, some new, some old. After some reorganization by Dizzy, and a recruiting spree, <{(RfA)}> is finally back in bussiness, and ready to kick some ass, Unreal style!

Basically, <{(RfA)}> is just a clan, like any other clan. We're just trying to have a good time playing Unreal in an organized group. We have clan matchs and practises and such to improve our skill in Unreal, and pit our strengths against rival clans. Ultimately, we just wanna hang out with some friends, playing Unreal online with eachother.


General Clan Info

Quick Member Reference

<{(RfA)}>White_Crow -


<{(News: All the shit no one except the members care about!)}>

*Update* 08/11/03: New site goodness, and a reborn clan

~Yes, you heard right, RfA is back and kicking ass! Psycho,
Bust-a-Nut, SmokinGunz, Drippy, CryptKeeper, ChuckSteak, & clan leader Dizzy return to teach the new clans how a real clan plays! We also have a number of skilled newcomers, such as Brink, DeviceHead, VinDiesel, WhiteCrow, Isuck@unreal, JohnnyDavis & myself, Raistlin.

~The new site is up! Bask in it's crappy glory! Still under major construction though. I'll be adding a lot more to this site, but right now it's mainly just the clan info. An exact list of things that are up is: Members page, Rules page, Matches page, Server page, and the Forums.

~Well, the clan practise/meeting on Saturday didn't go so well, with only 3 members turning up. We'll be having another practise/meeting this Saturday, so please try your best to make it. I'll find out from Dizzy exactly what time it'll be on, then if need be I can post the time in other time zones.

~I know there's something wrong with the forums and you can't seem to be able to do pretty much anything, so I'm trying to fix that. Can't seem to find exactly what the problem is though....

~Right now, we're also thinking of making a much better site (though anything is better than this piece of crap, hehe), possibly in Flash. I guess for the members that don't have flash, you better download it or you'll be stuck in this crpahole of a site!


(coming soon)


(coming soon)


Links: We'll have some nice links for you next update


A personal note from webmaster, Raistlin: Hello, I'm clan member and webmaster Raistlin. I just wanted to say that it's an honour (no, I didn't spell that wrong, I'm Canadian, hehe...) to be a part of this great clan, and to be webmaster for it's site. While I'm new to the clan, I can tell I'm gonna have a great time here. The members I've met are all very nice, and skilled at Unreal, and Leader Dizzy has been a friend of mine for quite some time now. <In order to make this not seem like a gushy "oh, this clan is the greatest, and, and, I'm just soooo happy that you all except my puny skills into you great clan!", I'll just go and randomly say bad stuff about this clan> They only problems with this clan is it REALLY sucks, like seriously. I hate this clan. this clan is so crap, I don't even know why I joined. In fact, I like just about everything in the world more than this clan! I HATE THIS CLAN! I'll make this clan burn in hell for it's crappiness! There, now the gushy stuff, and the insulting stuff cancel eachother out, so this section is basically nothing. Since it's nothing, you can pretty much just ignore it. Go on, ignore it. Just look away, at some other part of the site. Oh my god, I can't believe you're still reading this. Didn't you get the picture? This section is nothing, meaning ignore it and go read the rest of the site!.... Do you have nothing better to do than read random rantings by me? You must really have no life if your reading this, which I have said numerous times is NOTHING! Oh I get it! You think this is funny. "Oh, I'm a bigshot, I've got all the time in the world to read these stupid ass rantings, I don't care if this is nothing, I'm gonna read it anyway!" So you think you're better than me now, just cause you have the time to read my shit?! C'mon, you want a piece of me? Ya, keep reading if you want your ass kicked. Oh that's it, you are *SO* getting it! Let's go, showdown in Unreal, right now! Bastard, you too chicken to face me in Unreal so you keep reading?! Chicken, buk bwwoooook bwooook buk! Wow, you're still reading? Not crying to your mom, saying "Raistlin called me a chicken and made ridiculous chicken noises at me!" Are you like totally emotionless? Could I like do anything to you and you wouldn't care? Dude, you're totally insensitive, you have no emotions whatsoever. I can't believe after all this shit you're STILL reading! You need to learn when to stop! Some people have better things to do than write all this crap for you to read! I personally have much better things to do with my time! Wait... *Looks at his half page of writing* ugh, I really need a life...


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Now for all the crappy copywrite information and shit that nobody ever reads.

Please do not take any content from our site without our permission. We would be glad to let you use it if credit is given to us.

Copywrite 2003 <{(RfA)}>