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      (UPDATE 1-1-04)

Forums have been added. I'll fix up the rest of the site when I have more time!

The World of Runescape Forums!

What is Runescape?  Why does it have a clan?  What's the purpose of a clan?  How can I join?  What's are the requirements?

      You might be asking some of those questions yourself.  The World Clan  of  Runescape is a clan or a group of people that plays a game called, Runescape.

      The purpose of the clan is to protect, help, and gain power and popularity to the game.  We specialize in helping those who are knew to the game and those who are experts what would like to help us help  other and fight as a group.

      So what is Runescape?  Well if you would like a "better" explanation you can go to for more information.  Anyway here is my summary.

      Runescape is a huge world consisting of a few cities.  The possibilities are endless.  You can make armor, kill people or monsters, make potions, use magic, go fishing, make food, do quests, shoot arrows, and become one of the best!  Even make a few allies or friends while you at it.

      The graphics may not be the best and you wont be able to travel over the entire map and you will be limited on the thing you do unless you pay the $5/month.  To some this may ruin the game, but the game still has much to offer if u decide to play the free version which allows you to do quiet a big if your willing to put up with a small add banner at the top of the game which is really no hassle at all.

      If you would like to learn more about Runescape you can click here where you can get an in-depth description of the game.  Or you can click here to see the Runescape site and get their own description on this wonderful game.

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