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> News, Updates and Such <

> Tiberian Dawn Info [july 01 2003]
Most of the Tiberian Dawn info is back up. Units and structures have not been included yet, but they will be. Covert Ops and the Gold Edition now have their own sections.
> news posted by Fenring

> Generals Info [june 30 2003]
A lot of the Generals info is now up. The USA's units and structures are up, but China and the GLA will be added later.
> news posted by Fenring

> Blue Shift and Opposing Force Added [june 25 2003]
Blue Shift and Opposing Force now have their info and they are complete. More HL info is on the way. :)
> news posted by Fenring

> Half-Life Up [june 23 2003]
At long last, a new section is up, but one is down. Tiberian Dawn is down due to the newest renovations. The original Half-Life is now up for viewing. I think I have a nice look to the HL section. :)
> news posted by Fenring

> Site Renovations [june 22 2003]
The site now has a brand spankin new look to it. Same banner, but who cares, it's a banner. It's brighter, but it looks cool! Half-Life and C&C now have their own sections. Enjoy all!
> news posted by Fenring

> Just a Note [june 9 2003]
Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I have been working on my Yuri's Revenge mod project: YR: Advanced. You learn more about it here. Don't worry though. When I release the next version, I will be working on the site. :)
> news posted by Fenring

> Site Move [june 3 2003]
The Network was forced to switch hosts since FreeWebs only allows 50 files per account. I can't have that.
> news posted by Fenring

> Halo and XIII Sections Added [june 3 2003]
Halo and XIII, two XBox games now have some info to look at. Both are excellent, quality games. Halo is out, but XIII isn't yet. Read up!
> news posted by Fenring

> Tiberium Dawn Section Complete [june 1 2003]
Yup, first section done. Go have a look. It's informative and TD is such a classic.
> news posted by Fenring

> Forums Now Open [may 31 2003]
The forums are now open. Please give them a visit and sign up. There can be some good talking going on there.

At least you'll have something to do while I update the site.
> news posted by Fenring

> The Network Site Launch [may 28 2003]
All rightey! The site is now open! There will be lots of good stuff on here so keep coming back!

The top text is temporary. There will be a banner coming very soon.
> news posted by Fenring