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Gang of Duelist613

People Here


Name: Zeo LunixFire Seriyaru

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Looks: Black hair that covers left side of face, black fox ears, misty green eyes, two black fox tails

Wears: Black baseball cap, black trenchcoat, black shirt, black jeans, black shoes

Hobbies: Being in the forest, reading, listenning to music

Occupation: Sphere-hunting

To muggles he seems immortal, having a great bounty of $$$$60,000,000,000 on his head nobody can cash in yet.

"The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm, it's the last thing he'd expect."

Member of the Red Guard

Main Dressphere: (No specific one)

Types in normal board text color

Special Dressphere#1: Author's Aura

Special Dressphere#2: Zodiac Dragon King



Name: Luke Mototsu

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Looks: Brown hair, green eyes

Wears: Greyscale outfit

Main Dressphere: Taskmaster

Sub Dresspheres: See Kiotsu's

Special Dressphere: Cheese master

Types in red



Name: Kiotsu Kernoku

Age: 12

Gender: Male

Looks: Red hair, blue eyes

Wears: Martial arts outfit

Main Dressphere: Martial artist

Sub Dresspheres: Dragoon, Dark Knight, Swordsman, Ninja

Special dressphere: Destruction Maximation

Types in blue





Member of a sphere hunting crew

Crew's Dressphere's: Archer, Red Mage, Dragoon, Water, Wind, Fire, Thunder, Earth, and Ice Elemental, Artist, Martial Artist, Ninja

We recommend laughs from these

fireball20xl, where happy happens
the squeaky zone
