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Is Interhogan Headed for War?

Gnomes on the March

Terrorism in Interhogan

By Robman, The Interhogan Globe, Jan 23, 2003

Secret sources have sent this newspaper shocking photos of a sinister gnome army on the move.  This photo was found in an unmarked manila envelope on the doorstep of the offices of The Interhogan Globe today.  The envelope contained other photos and documents leading this reporter to believe that the gnomes are preparing for war.

It has long been speculated by citizens of Interhogan that the gnomes we are building must be going someplace.  Where, we did not know, but there have been rumors to the effect that they are being used to start an army.  Who are these gnomes going to be used against?  To what ends?

Along with the photos was a detailed map showing what looks like a detailed Order of Battle.  The properties highlighted on this OrBat should do whatever is necessary to protect themselves against this terrible threat.

Look to The Interhogan Globe for continuing coverage of this story.


By DollyBoons, The Interhogan Globe, Feb 3, 2003

The search goes on for the leader of a terrorist cell operating in Interhogan.  At the center of suspicion is the self proclaimed Emperor of Interhogan, and his followers, characterized by a red sash.  The Emperor has been known for spreading anti-government propaganda, and is believed to be organizing a massive coup with his number two man, B-man, against the current government. 


In an effort to quell the speculation, The Mayor and his supporting team, including DollyBoons, Bullet-Tooth Tony and the Interhogan Police Dept., met with the Emperor and B-man.  The Mayor hoped to put to rest the rumors and solve any problems that may have arisen, however the attempt was met with disdain and threats of increased terrorist activities in Interhogan, confirming the panels fear. 


The Mayor’s panel responded with a warning, to end all activities and remove the red sashes, or face possible military action.


The Interhogan Globe is always looking for stories by our citizens.  If you have a story or a story idea, please email them to:

We are also looking for columnists for regular, weekly columns.  If you are interested in being a columnist, send mail to the above address.

All reporters and columnists will be paid 1000 simoleons upon publication.




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