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Welcome to the Gaming Edge!
I would like to welcome everyone to the newly built forums: The Gaming Edge. We are here to cater to the Enthusiast Gamer. The Gamer who loves his/her games and loves talking about them.

Our mission is to provide everyone with a great place to talk about any type of video game they wish. We are hardcore, and dedicated gamers who feel that any true gamer deserves an equally true forum. The admins here are on the same level as you and we WILL be a very tight part of this forum. We are not here to mod people, we are here to talk with fellow gamers.

You will find no immature members here, no flame wars, and no childish insults. What you will find, is one of the most interesting and involving gaming forums on the net. Swearing is allowed(in good taste of course) and nothing is suger-coated. Just treat everyone with respect and have fun.

Update-Posted by Dekar 4-14-04
As of right now, POW has given me an idea. I don't want to give up on so here is what's going on. POW had said he would like to have more members first. This is what is going on. I promis, that if we reach a certain amount of activity (It will be mentioned later on how active) I will buy us the domain and we can get this whole thing started.

Now you may be asking "How active?" Well, some areas will be harder to achieve than others. These will not be impossible, but may take some time. I want us to hit at least 20,000 total posts (probably the easiest one). I would like to see us at maybe about 1300-1500 topics, that one will be somewhat easy. This next part will be the hardest or near it.For members, I would like us to hit the 100 mark. The thing about that is I would like a nice chip of them to be active. Not active like me or newer members like say smoochiebear, but active like maybe Bassman, Justin, and Ramsus. So Maybe out of 47 new members, 23 of them should post or something. When that happens the above paragraph will take place.

Jobs are still available.We can use another Public Relations person or two, another greeter, and we are always allowing there to be normal moderators. For a Moderator, you must have 25 posts. These post must not be spam, and they are extremely easy to get since its very active here. You can probably do that in a day! For a position, email or PM Dekar or POW.
Welcome to The Gaming Edge: A True Gaming Enthusiast's Forum.
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