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The TSO Chronicle

That is where The EJ Chronicle is located its called: The Beach Getaway

This is TSO's frist and only newspaper..!!! Please submit your stories. Your stories can be anything about EJ fact or fiction. We will Also have a personal section. So please send your info make sure you tell us alittle about your sim and what ru looking for. and a picture of your sim if u want. Make sure that u include the name of your SIM. IF i choose your story u will get a small prize. 500 simoleans or more the better the story the more money you will get. Your also welcome to advertise make sure to tell me a little about your lot. I will charge u 250 simoleans per issue. Send all storys personal ads...etc. to Mark Newbie at,visit me in East Jerome, or IM me with AIM at pajamasam900 our frist issue will be out as soon as we get stories. Click the link below To read The EJ Chronicle..... Click the link below To read The EJ Chronicle

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