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Recruitment Application

Character Name (Exact).

Race: Orc
Race: Tauren
Race: Troll
Race: Undead

Class: Warrior
Class: Hunter
Class: Rogue
Class: Shaman
Class: Warlock
Class: Druid
Class: Priest
Class: Mage

Level: 1-10
Level: 11-20
Level: 21-30
Level: 31-40
Level: 41-50
Level: 51-60

Your Professions: Alchemy
Your Professions: Blacksmithing
Your Professions: Enchanting
Your Professions: Engineering
Your Professions: Herbalism
Your Professions: Leatherworking
Your Professions: Mining
Your Professions: Skinning
Your Professions: Tailoring

Secondary Skills: Cooking
Secondary Skills: First Aid
Secondary Skills: Fishing

Describe your play style.

What kind of guild experience are you looking for?

The Arcane Union (Horde) operates on the Icecrown server.