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Here is my latest project:CASTLE


My Painting Services Are Available!

If you would like to see an example click this link.If you like the work I have done and would like to have a miniature painted by me please fill out my order form.



I have designed my terrain to be used with more than just BattleTech, it has been used with Dungeons & Dragons, Mage Knight, and soon we will experiment with it in Rifts and Mechwarrior. My terrain pieces here are just a few examples of what I can do, and believe me the pictures do not do the pieces justice.

My specialty is custom made terrain, if you can dream it I will give it 110% to make it reality, just ask. I am very reasonable as far as price and I dare you to find anyone else out there who will build you what you want and not just have you settle for what is on hand.


Item #
*NEW*Triangle Desert Hill
*NEW*Desert Plateau with passage
*NEW*3pc Arctic Hill
*NEW*Arctic Cave
*NEW*Split Erroded Hill
Sandstone Edge Piece
Stepped Hill with cave, 16" dia. X 4"
Small sized hill, rock face flocked top.
Three piece medium hill set desert/arctic scheme
Stone arch on waste land base, medium size, flocked
Stone outcropping on waste land base, medium sized, flocked
Stone outcropping on waste land base, medium sized, flocked
Medium sized stone outcropping, flocked, waste land base


All prices include shipping!!(Within the Continential United States)

Name: Address:

City: State: Zipcode:

Phone Number: E-mail:

Payment Options: Check Money Order Paypal


Special requests:

By clicking the submit button you fully understand and agree to the terms above and will not hold Terrain Unlimited (Robin Filipiak) accountable for lost shipments or stolen shipments. Also understand that all transactions are FINAL!

Official PayPal Seal


Orders and inquiry: Terrain Unlimited



These pictures aren't Battletech terrain, they are for Dungeons and Dragons ( the other RPG ). I made it just for the sake of making it, I thought it would provide a nice contrast. All the doors open and close including the concealed doors, and yes even the portcullis raises and lowers. The table and benches are made from balsa wood, the crate and chest are carved from the styrene foam, the barrel is made from Crayola Model Magic.