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Clan TeAr-Empire's X Site


TeAr-EmPiRe Approved and UnApproved Maps.
The Members Of Clan TeAr-EmPiRe
Associated Links and Other Site
Hacks For Games
About The Author
NeW MeMbers Or How To Join This Kick AsS Clan
My Favorite Drawings
My Favorite Drawings Part 2
My Favorite Drawings Part 3
Member's Profiles

This site is somewhat under work. It was created for the sole purpose of Clan TeAr-EmPiRe members.This helps the clan in many different ways. 2 sites for a clan is good in making the clan more efficant and more productive. We do not sponser hacking clans and blive in good maps only. If We have any hacks on the site it is only for edicatoinal purposes. WARNING Use with Caution if you do use hacks. If you hack no one wants to here about so we do not bother you you don't bother us. If you are here to join then you can click the new member page. Thanks for visiting. :P