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    This page was created to store my team for the On-Line Blood Bowl Leage, The Middenheim Maulers. In the near furture, I plan on adding more teams and extras like a sports page- style report of matches and events with the team.
    Blood Bowl is a miniatures board game of Fantasy Football, made by Games Workshop. Players assemble teams made of fantasy races like elves, dwarves, and orcs, then face off against each other on the gamefield. Just to be extra twisted, fun items like chainsaws, dwarven steamrollers, bombs, and poisoned weapons are allowed to add a touch of carnage to the game. Yes, casualties caused are tracked allong with completion and interception stats.
    A few years ago, some enterprising players, with entirely too much time on their hands, created an on-line version of the game using Internet Relay Chat to transmit data between two players. More innovations were added and more players joined to the point that the On-Line Blood Bowl Leauge now has over 450 teams.


Middenheim Maulers
On-Line Blood Bowl Leage Home
Games Workshop Homepage