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Welcome to Samurai Tavern

The Lair of Crystal Pheonix

Swordslinger 6-17-03

I changed the site layout back because the other one was too limited, but I might be getting Dreamweaver soon which will be better. Well thats it, oh yeah I still have to do the Matrix Reloaded review and I'm probobly going to see the Hulk so look out for those when i get some time. Later ^_~

Swordslinger 6-3-03

Ok, a few things are happening and have happened. I was to lazy to write a review for The Matrix Reloaded, but luckely Csurge said that he would write one. Also i made some color changes to the board, post in the Shout Box to tell me what you think. I also took out that stupid pass it on box because I'm sure it hasn't been used. And I'm going to see if I can get a better site lay out, with some help from franky and surge of course. Well look foward to some updates by the olther two staff members, and other stuff by them. So any this is Sword reminding you to join the forums, later Space Cowboy...

Swordslinger 5-30-03

Ok, see that box up there you can use it to talk, so if you do't want to join the forums you can use that. I'm also going to see if i can put one up on the forums, for what I'm not sure yet. Also, its official, franky4fingers and Csurge are staff members. Franky is in charge of graphical design and Csurge is in charge of all the technical stuff. Well any way join the forums because their fun (or use the box). Well whatever, this is Sword over and out.

Swordslinger 5-27-03

Ok, I saw the Matrix Reloaded finally and there will be a review up soon. In other news the forums have two new administrators: Csurge and Franky4fingers. Maybe I'll make them full staff members, I'm not sure and it matters if they wan't to be on the staff, but for now its just me (which is sad because I'm my only staff member). Well this is Sword over and out. O, wait forums, join.

Swordslinger 5-22-03

Honestly I think this is dumb, but use it if you wanna send the site to your friends and stuff. You can add a message when you send it so check it out if you want to, i really dont care. Here:
get this gear!

Swordslinger 5-20-03

I havent really done anything new to the site because I've been doing homework and trying to make it so that you don't have to download something to see the X-2 review. Well anyway i finally put the review in HTML format, but dont expect anything special because I don't know much about HTML. Also, I'm probobly going to see the Matrix reloaded this weekend so there may be a review up, I'm not sure though. One more note I'm the only staff member on the actual Samurai Tavern site, but there may be more soon. And don't forget the forums!

Swordslinger 5-17-03

Ok, again not much has happened, I saw X-2 yesterday finally and i put up a review for it in the movie section. The review isn't layed out that great though because i used Word to do it,ah well. I've also fixed a few of the broken links in the Cowboy Bebop Images page, and I'm working on getting the rest running. Well, thats about it except for me reminding you to join the forums.

Swordslinger 5-14-03

Ok, not much has happened, i got some new add on's and the Cowboy Bebop images are working. O, and the forums are growing but we still need more members, it'd be cool if some of you join to make it more fun.

Swordslinger 5-10-03

This is the first time I'm actually updating this site. In the future i plan to have info about different types of things such as my favorite Anime shows: Rurouni Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop and Trigun. I also am going have info on upcoming movies and rate movies i see (which wont be often). If any of you have ideas e-mail me at the e-mail address below.

O, and i'm looking for Kenshin, Cowboy Bebop, and Trigun images if any of you have some to share e-mail please me.
