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SuperSpy's Main Directory of Fun ^^

10/11/04--I need a place for my band homework, so I'm putting it here. You can view them at this link.

9/12/04--Ah, I'm not too sure about the song thing at the moment. I might run into some copyright issues if I publish the songs and somebody steals them.I'll go look into that, while you think of songs for me to write. If I can't post them on the website without somebody stealing them, then I'll email them to you. I wonder if it costs anything to get a copyright...
Anyway, I just got back from New York, and I got some great pictures. If I can somehow get them onto the computer, and I can find my graphics software, then I can make a 2005 calendar in time for 2005. If I do, you'll hear about it, and I'll make it a free downloadable. Now all I have to do is find the cord that goes into the computer...

9/10/04--Yay, I finally got around to finding enough minutes to update! I finally decided what to do with this empty site. I shall use my nifty program, sound recorder, to record music and put it on this site. No, I'm not paying the people who sing, but wouldn't you agree that it's pointless to pay myself?
No, I'm not kidding. I'm going to sing in front of the whole internet-savvy world. Well, at least anyone who cares enough to drop by. I'm taking requests at If you want me to play an instrument accompaniment, then you may want to include that, too. It's hard to play baritone while I sing, so the baritone quality may seem fuzzy and prerecorded (because it will be prerecorded), but you can pick from violin, bass clef baritone (or euphonium, as some call it), string bass (not electric, as in a band, but as in an orchestra or jazz band instrument), or piano.
On a totally different note, I'm gonna start a weblog that summarizes each day I spend in school as soon as I have a hundred pageviews on my site and about three requests. You can comment to my weblog if you want, too. If you have any comments regarding my weblog, the development of this site, or anything else, please let me know by way of the email address found on this page.

Some date in August--Hello, peoples! I thought I'd create a new website, just for the subdomain I have obtained! I'll put more here later, but be prepared for more than you'll be prepared for!

Yes, that is hard, but that's ok. You'll survive. I certainly did.
Wait, I didn't go through that, I created it. Oh well...

I recommend the following pages for your enjoyment

Angelfire, the host of this site, and a free site, too!
Really, if you don't have a subdomain, why don't you get a free one at Tripod?
If you want to decorate your aim, msn messenger, or yim window, then come to Mytheme!
Oh, if you aren't sure what a theme is, here are some examples that I made myself!
Look at this conversation about Japanese names! It's hilarious.
If you really want to find out what your Japanese name is, go here.

Things I like to do