Edited by: Marissa (snex's future wife) [2005-01-26 22:19] *** Joins: TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 22:19] o i also said god should know everything there is to know [2005-01-26 22:19] he must be free and knowledgeable [2005-01-26 22:19] theres really no way to define god without either contradicting yourself or creating a being that isnt very impressive [2005-01-26 22:20] yeah [2005-01-26 22:20] well thats true [2005-01-26 22:20] like think about it [2005-01-26 22:20] if there is a god [2005-01-26 22:20] even an omniscient free god is contradictory [2005-01-26 22:20] and you think hes all powerful and benevolent [2005-01-26 22:20] yeah [2005-01-26 22:20] if hes omniscient, he knows all of his futures [2005-01-26 22:20] future actions* [2005-01-26 22:20] he has not a future [2005-01-26 22:20] i answered double false and it put me through with no hits [2005-01-26 22:20] and if he knows his future actions, he cant do anything but those actions [2005-01-26 22:20] that of course makes no sense to us [2005-01-26 22:21] TurquoiseYoshi it makes no sense because its nothing but rhetoric [2005-01-26 22:21] it does not refer to a real concept [2005-01-26 22:21] its merely grammatically correct [2005-01-26 22:21] ask a 2 dimensional being to understand us [2005-01-26 22:21] or explain us [2005-01-26 22:21] TurquoiseYoshi 2 dimensional beings can do so [2005-01-26 22:21] we can explain 4 dimensional space [2005-01-26 22:22] we cant picture it in our heads, but we can explain it [2005-01-26 22:22] but a being without time is not possible [2005-01-26 22:22] time is a consequence of existence [2005-01-26 22:22] not possible in this reality no beause all we know is time [2005-01-26 22:23] no TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 22:23] for something to exist, it must exist within time [2005-01-26 22:23] if god is outside of time, god can take no actions [2005-01-26 22:23] you cn't understand it of course, no one can but you just have faith in how God tells you it is. that simple [2005-01-26 22:23] no TurquoiseYoshi, nobody understands it because it really means nothing [2005-01-26 22:23] to us [2005-01-26 22:23] NO [2005-01-26 22:23] it means nothing in reality [2005-01-26 22:24] you are stringing words together [2005-01-26 22:24] but they do not point to anything real [2005-01-26 22:24] go tell God he doesn't know what hes talking abput. youll get real far [2005-01-26 22:24] TurquoiseYoshi youre the one talking [2005-01-26 22:24] not god [2005-01-26 22:24] god has never said anything about his presence in time [2005-01-26 22:24] snex [2005-01-26 22:24] god has never said anything at all [2005-01-26 22:25] why do you talk so much about god? its like your afraid he does exsist or deep down you know it and it bothers you so you try to make christians look as dumb as possible so you feel better [2005-01-26 22:25] TurquoiseYoshi they make themselves look dumb [2005-01-26 22:25] and if they werent trying to literally take over the country i live in [2005-01-26 22:26] i wouldnt care [2005-01-26 22:26] i knew youd say that but why does it bother you so much [2005-01-26 22:26] christians are the ones trying to force their religion on the public [2005-01-26 22:26] not muslims, not hindus, not wiccans [2005-01-26 22:26] if it were them, id be doing the same to them [2005-01-26 22:27] you want your ten commandments in courthouses that i pay for [2005-01-26 22:27] well looj at it this way. If you were christian and God comanded you to spread the gospel, would you say "I don't want to force it on anyone so i won't do that" [2005-01-26 22:27] you want your god recognized in the pledge of allegience to MY flag [2005-01-26 22:27] yes TurquoiseYoshi, i would say that [2005-01-26 22:27] ha [2005-01-26 22:27] because i WAS christian [2005-01-26 22:27] and i DID say that [2005-01-26 22:28] TurquoiseYoshi if christianity is so obviously true then there would be no need for apologists [2005-01-26 22:28] the bible would speak for itself [2005-01-26 22:28] well when a friend is standing before to be judged and go to hell because you never mentioned Jesus and his blood is on your hands what will you tell him? Sorry dude but i didnt want to "force" my beliefs on you [2005-01-26 22:29] the fact that you have to force it on people just shows how it cannot stand on its own [2005-01-26 22:29] TurquoiseYoshi i was never stupid and demented enough to believe that good people would be tortured for eternity because they chose not to believe in god [2005-01-26 22:29] its a sick philosophy [2005-01-26 22:29] and its wrong [2005-01-26 22:30] god is supposed to love everyone [2005-01-26 22:30] is that truely what you think of it? [2005-01-26 22:30] eternal torture is the complete opposite of love [2005-01-26 22:30] sometimes I wonder about you [2005-01-26 22:31] I don't know why there is a hell..... if i was God i would probably just poof the non believers out of exsistence but then im not God [2005-01-26 22:31] TurquoiseYoshi see even you admit that god does things you feel to be immoral [2005-01-26 22:32] Not really [2005-01-26 22:32] what i feel doesnt matter [2005-01-26 22:32] youre like the abused child that rationalizes his abusers actions [2005-01-26 22:32] God knows whats immoral and not [2005-01-26 22:32] obviously you disagree with him [2005-01-26 22:32] I'm just saying i don't understand his reasons [2005-01-26 22:32] doeant mean i don't exept them [2005-01-26 22:33] there is no reason for eternal torture for somebody you supposedly love [2005-01-26 22:33] NON [2005-01-26 22:33] E [2005-01-26 22:34] even if your god exists i reject him [2005-01-26 22:34] he is evil [2005-01-26 22:34] he turns people into salt for looking at burning cities [2005-01-26 22:35] If I felt evidence pointed away from God then I guess I would believe that he doesn't exsist. Because i'm not the kind of person tht devotes my life to something for nothing [2005-01-26 22:35] he floods the earth killing everybody and everything [2005-01-26 22:35] but i don't see how there couldn't be [2005-01-26 22:35] he orders his people to slaughter women and children of neighboring cultures, but to keep the virgins for themselves [2005-01-26 22:36] Wait you said if you knew there was a god youd reject him anyways [2005-01-26 22:36] ? [2005-01-26 22:36] god deliberately hardened pharoahs heart so that he wouldnt let the jews go until god could kill his son [2005-01-26 22:36] "reject" as in not worship [2005-01-26 22:37] How do you know that stuff is truely immoral snex [2005-01-26 22:37] By your feelings? [2005-01-26 22:38] morality is based on unnecessary suffering [2005-01-26 22:39] ? [2005-01-26 22:40] TurquoiseYoshi morality is based on the amount of unnecessary suffering an action causes [2005-01-26 22:41] How is Christianity something for nothing? [2005-01-26 22:41] your avoiding hell id say that's something [2005-01-26 22:41] you have to believe in christianity before you believe hell exists [2005-01-26 22:41] its a circular argument [2005-01-26 22:42] Well you can't know about hell till your told [2005-01-26 22:42] just because youre told doesnt mean its real [2005-01-26 22:42] of course not [2005-01-26 22:42] nobody has ever seen hell [2005-01-26 22:42] lol [2005-01-26 22:42] nobody has even shown that an afterlife is plausible [2005-01-26 22:43] everything we know shows that the "self" cannot exist without the brani [2005-01-26 22:43] brain* [2005-01-26 22:43] Iv'e heard of people being dead for awjile then they bring them back to life and get saved because for some reason they were burning [2005-01-26 22:43] not sure if those stories are true \ [2005-01-26 22:43] TurquoiseYoshi its been proven that you hallucinate as your brain dies [2005-01-26 22:44] loss of oxygen is what causes hallucination [2005-01-26 22:44] well like I said i don't know if tose stories are true [2005-01-26 22:44] those* [2005-01-26 22:45] i didn't say it was prood [2005-01-26 22:45] there are a lot of reports of out of body experiences, where the people describe stuff they couldnt have seen from where they were [2005-01-26 22:45] proof* [2005-01-26 22:45] it was invented by their brains [2005-01-26 22:46] I wish I just knew the absolute truth 100% [2005-01-26 22:46] Oh well life is a bitch [2005-01-26 22:47] any religion you pick has the same confidence level, why not pick one of them [2005-01-26 22:47] nittrue [2005-01-26 22:47] not* [2005-01-26 22:47] damn typos [2005-01-26 22:47] Somehow Christianity has more probability of being right? [2005-01-26 22:47] How? [2005-01-26 22:48] i would say judaism is the most probable [2005-01-26 22:48] koran has actual contradictions [2005-01-26 22:48] so does the bible [2005-01-26 22:48] theyre everywhere [2005-01-26 22:48] not really [2005-01-26 22:48] yes it does, read it sometime [2005-01-26 22:48] snex why is judiaism the most probable [2005-01-26 22:48] ive seen alot of "contradictions" [2005-01-26 22:49] SWFLurker most of the OT has proved successful in archaeology [2005-01-26 22:49] they don't sound too convincing [2005-01-26 22:49] TurquoiseYoshi what is joseph's father's name? [2005-01-26 22:49] is it heli (luke) or jacob (matthew) ? [2005-01-26 22:49] snex they probably had different names [2005-01-26 22:49] TurquoiseYoshi the entire genealogies are different [2005-01-26 22:50] not sure but thats not a very good contradiction [2005-01-26 22:50] just read them [2005-01-26 22:50] TurquoiseYoshi see if you can take dan barker's easter challenge [2005-01-26 22:50] ? [2005-01-26 22:50] http://atheism.about.com/cs/easter/a/xt_j_eastrchall.htm [2005-01-26 22:51] theres 2 shitty apologists that claim they solved it and have it on their websites, but its full of contradictions [2005-01-26 22:54] theres also 14 apostle names given throughout the gospels, and thats not counting matthias (judas iscariot's replacement) [2005-01-26 22:54] the ones that dont match up are thaddeus, nathaniel, and judas (the other judas) [2005-01-26 22:56] the funny thing about bible contradictions and quran contradictions is that muslims and christians both claim the other is contradictory, but they use the SAME apologetics to evade their own contradictions [2005-01-26 22:57] wait your saying different versions say differnet things thats yur contradiction? [2005-01-26 22:57] no, different gospels [2005-01-26 22:57] here is the genealogy in matthew [2005-01-26 22:57] http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/index.php?search=matthew%201&version=31 [2005-01-26 22:58] and heres the one in luke [2005-01-26 22:58] http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?book_id=49&chapter=3&version=31 [2005-01-26 22:58] they disagree all the way up to king david [2005-01-26 22:58] luke says joseph descended from nathan (davids son), but matthew says he descended from solomon [2005-01-26 22:59] Iv'e never read the entire bible :( [2005-01-26 22:59] i know shame on me [2005-01-26 22:59] the only thing apologists say to this is that luke lists mary's line [2005-01-26 22:59] but that directly contradicts the text in luke [2005-01-26 22:59] buit my dad has [2005-01-26 22:59] care to argue with him on contradictions? [2005-01-26 22:59] ? [2005-01-26 22:59] TurquoiseYoshi your dad has been here remember? he doesnt debate, he just shouts and doesnt listen [2005-01-26 23:00] he practically copy-pasted everything on kent hovinds site without even bothering to listen to my answers [2005-01-26 23:00] hes not interested in answers, he just wants to embarrass me into shutting up by asking a "stumper" [2005-01-26 23:00] TurquoiseYoshi's dad? O_o? Who? JesusFreak? >_>' [2005-01-26 23:01] no [2005-01-26 23:01] and somebody who buys into kent hovind isnt exactly on top of his theology [2005-01-26 23:01] i mean cmon, at least give me some hugh ross [2005-01-26 23:01] Then who? And more importantly: Why? [2005-01-26 23:02] yuna his dad came in here one day when i was talking about evolution [2005-01-26 23:02] and started asking the hovind questions [2005-01-26 23:02] firing them off every 20 seconds [2005-01-26 23:02] Just like that? >_>' [2005-01-26 23:02] im amazed i had enough time to type answers [2005-01-26 23:02] which he of course paid no attention to [2005-01-26 23:02] Like "Ouh, snex is p0wning me, let me bring this guy in"? [2005-01-26 23:03] no i think his dad just sat down [2005-01-26 23:03] cuz he saw the word evolution [2005-01-26 23:03] Yeah, but why was he here in the first place? They both play SSBM? >_>' [2005-01-26 23:03] no he was prolly just walking past the computer [2005-01-26 23:04] If we were to give you answers to the geneologies then youll become a christain again? [2005-01-26 23:04] TurquoiseYoshi rofl 1) there is no answer [2005-01-26 23:04] and 2) the geanealogy is the LEAST of your problems [2005-01-26 23:04] so the truth is it doesnt matter if you get the answer? [2005-01-26 23:05] TurquoiseYoshi it would eliminate 1 out of the several hundred contradictions [2005-01-26 23:05] answer them all [2005-01-26 23:05] here talk to my dad [2005-01-26 23:05] and then after the contradictions have been answered [2005-01-26 23:05] you can present POSITIVE evidence for your god [2005-01-26 23:06] because even a book without contradictions does not necessarily describe truth [2005-01-26 23:07] I'll be glad to answer your ignorance of the bible, but you know it won't make any difference since if you're honest you'll admit that you've simply decided to be your own god until you die and find out you're not [2005-01-26 23:07] TurquoiseYoshi if i were god i could simply make you disappear [2005-01-26 23:07] you are presenting a strawman of atheism [2005-01-26 23:08] and it does not help your case [2005-01-26 23:08] when you dont even understand the position of your opponent [2005-01-26 23:08] instead of taking atheism tips from kent hovind, ask an atheist what they believe [2005-01-26 23:09] Why don;t you just admit it. There is not one mutation ever found that added new information. your evolution is a failed religion to obscure the fact that there is a Creator. You reject Him. Fine. Enjoy the life He gave you untilyou die [2005-01-26 23:09] TurquoiseYoshi ive shown several times on this hub mutations that increased information [2005-01-26 23:09] maybe you werent here to see them [2005-01-26 23:09] but they were presented [2005-01-26 23:10] Strange that you're the only one who ever found one. Name tem [2005-01-26 23:10] of course, the real problem here is that no creationist has EVER defined a way to measure information [2005-01-26 23:10] but they sure demand proof of it increasing a lot [2005-01-26 23:10] tell you what TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:10] you tell me what you mean by "information" [2005-01-26 23:10] then i can show you a mutation that increases it [2005-01-26 23:11] this way you cant weasel out of it when i show it [2005-01-26 23:11] Oh, so scientists don't know what information is now. That's right , run away by saying you can't figure out what information is. You kind of funny, but no one buys ut [2005-01-26 23:11] TurquoiseYoshi youre the one demanding it [2005-01-26 23:12] scientists arent the ones that talk about it [2005-01-26 23:12] creationists do [2005-01-26 23:12] *** Joins: Marissa (BEST PART OF THIS THING) [2005-01-26 23:12] you ask for information but dont tell anybody what you mean by it. you do this so that you can dismiss any answer given to you [2005-01-26 23:12] You know very well, information has never risen from non-information. You can't be that brainwashed or deluded. Perhaps you should go study science [2005-01-26 23:13] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what information is [2005-01-26 23:13] you obviously know [2005-01-26 23:13] cmon, it should be easy for an expert such as yourself [2005-01-26 23:13] TurquoiseYoshi: "brainwashed or deluded"? This from a Christian? [2005-01-26 23:13] yuna be quiet [2005-01-26 23:13] Tell me, did you give your son a fair chance at free will? [2005-01-26 23:13] hes going to tell us what information is and how to measure it [2005-01-26 23:14] TurquoiseYoshi which of the following genomes has more information? ATTGCGATGGCATTGCA or ATCGGGTATGGCGTA? [2005-01-26 23:14] Even Professor Dawkins couldn't come up with even one example of increased information. Oh, but you're so much smarter than a professor...Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22.. oh that's right you're a bible expert too [2005-01-26 23:14] remember to show your work TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:15] actually TurquoiseYoshi that video was edited, and had you bothered to look at what dawkins said about it in an article, youd see that he did indeed answer it [2005-01-26 23:15] You wouldn't survive two minutes in an open debate. Since Kent Hovind is so ignorant, why don't you try it. Of course you won't [2005-01-26 23:15] read it for yourself TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:15] http://www.skeptics.com.au/journal/dawkins1.htm [2005-01-26 23:16] TurquoiseYoshi kent hovind spits off more questions than can be answered in the time given [2005-01-26 23:16] why doesnt hovind debate on paper? [2005-01-26 23:16] why wont hovind participate in a written debate where he cant hide behind time limits? [2005-01-26 23:17] Isuppose you never saw the video, lousy try. His answer was still the same. No answer to the question and he still doesn't have one except well 300 million years ago blah blah...yeah hide in the past since it doesn't happen today [2005-01-26 23:17] make sure you read the dawkins article TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:17] read the article before making your conclusions [2005-01-26 23:17] http://www.skeptics.com.au/journal/dawkins1.htm [2005-01-26 23:18] Look around, what are the examples of animals evolving today are there cat-dogs ,etc no just kinds like in the bible [2005-01-26 23:18] you can also go here for more about it [2005-01-26 23:18] http://www.talkorigins.org/indexcc/CB/CB102.html [2005-01-26 23:18] but i know you wont [2005-01-26 23:18] TurquoiseYoshi you are attacking a strawman [2005-01-26 23:18] evolution does not propose dogs giving birth to cats [2005-01-26 23:18] TurquoiseYoshi what "kind" does archaeopteryx belong to? [2005-01-26 23:19] I'm still waiting for your best evolutionexample for your evolution religion waiting, waiting... just hiding or thinking too hard? [2005-01-26 23:19] TurquoiseYoshi i gave you two links! [2005-01-26 23:19] read them! [2005-01-26 23:19] why are you so afraid to click the links? [2005-01-26 23:20] now, what "kind" is archaeopteryx? [2005-01-26 23:20] if its a bird why does it have a bony tail, teeth, 2 fenestra? [2005-01-26 23:20] if its a lizard, why does it have feathers? [2005-01-26 23:20] yeah TurquoiseYoshi is far beyond his dad in terms of intelligence [2005-01-26 23:21] Arch is a full bird even by many evolutionists. There are birds today with teeth (a hummingbird) and several with claws plus evolutionists have dayed true birds millions of years older than Arch..so it wasn't transitional anything. I guess you don't keep up with your evolution buddies. Better take a rfresher [2005-01-26 23:21] TurquoiseYoshi name one "evolutionist" that says its a pure bird [2005-01-26 23:21] provide sources please [2005-01-26 23:21] So Arch was your best shot? Too bad [2005-01-26 23:21] and TurquoiseYoshi i said a BONY TAIL [2005-01-26 23:21] what birds have a BONY TAIL? [2005-01-26 23:21] what birds have TWO FENESTRA? [2005-01-26 23:21] tell us [2005-01-26 23:22] also tell us which "evolutionists" claim its a pure bird [2005-01-26 23:22] So if I look up the reference , you'll admit evolution is a lie right? I can get it for you. Just admit then that evolution is a lie and there is a creator [2005-01-26 23:22] ROFL! [2005-01-26 23:22] TurquoiseYoshi you are so stupid its pathetic [2005-01-26 23:22] i can name transitionals from any family you want [2005-01-26 23:23] put your son back on, he is 10 times smarter than you and he respects his opponents [2005-01-26 23:23] That's what I thoght, you don't want an answer. You're so not open minded are you [2005-01-26 23:23] TurquoiseYoshi you have no answer [2005-01-26 23:23] not one "evolutionist" claims that archaeopteryx isnt a transitional [2005-01-26 23:24] you won't change w\your minduntil you're tossed into the lake. Sorrry for you [2005-01-26 23:24] lol! [2005-01-26 23:24] way to weasel out of it [2005-01-26 23:24] youve presented no evidence, and you have failed to refute mine [2005-01-26 23:24] now you are giving me ultimatums before you even present evidence [2005-01-26 23:24] is that how you debate? [2005-01-26 23:24] "if i cite my references you have to admit im right" [2005-01-26 23:25] is that an honest way to debate TurquoiseYoshi? [2005-01-26 23:25] Just keep saying that stuff, maybe you'll really believe it. Your religion just doesn't do well in science only your science-fiction. stick to tv and movies for evolution [2005-01-26 23:25] TurquoiseYoshi you are giving me ultimatums just to present your citations [2005-01-26 23:25] you got NOTHING [2005-01-26 23:25] i can tell youre sweating [2005-01-26 23:26] No he doensn't want proof, whenever I offer it, he says he won't change his mind anyway. nice try [2005-01-26 23:26] youre getting your ass handed to you by a 22 year old atheist punk [2005-01-26 23:26] TurquoiseYoshi why does it matter if i change my mind? present proof for everybody else here [2005-01-26 23:26] or do their souls not need saving? [2005-01-26 23:27] imagine if real scientists went around saying "im not showing you my results unless you accept my position first" [2005-01-26 23:27] we would be back in the dark ages! [2005-01-26 23:27] Wow, how scientific, you just can't handle ral science. you can't give examples of anything evolving today either, stick to science fiction. it's all you've got [2005-01-26 23:27] actually i can TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:27] a bacterium gained the ability to digest nylon oligomers [2005-01-26 23:27] nylon is MAN-MADE [2005-01-26 23:28] how could bacteria digest man-made substances without evolving? [2005-01-26 23:28] maybe youd like a cite for that TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:28] understandable [2005-01-26 23:28] i dont require ultimatums before providing my references [2005-01-26 23:29] http://www.nmsr.org/nylon.htm [2005-01-26 23:29] Funny how you ask for rpoof of your garbage science and contradictions but you just run away if asked what would happen if yo got the nswers ,, The truth is that there wou;d never be enough evidence. You simple choose t o believe youe religion of no Crator [2005-01-26 23:29] TurquoiseYoshi you havent given any answers [2005-01-26 23:29] you just keep repeating yourself [2005-01-26 23:29] http://www.nmsr.org/nylon.htm [2005-01-26 23:29] look [2005-01-26 23:29] bacteria that can eat nylon! [2005-01-26 23:30] Of course, because as in Romans 1, od has given you over to a corrupt mind. Enjoy the time you have there are only so many tomorrows. I have foreer [2005-01-26 23:30] lol [2005-01-26 23:30] yet more evasion [2005-01-26 23:30] give us the evidence, dont just say you have it [2005-01-26 23:31] come on TurquoiseYoshi, you know you want to talk about moon dust [2005-01-26 23:31] or short period comets [2005-01-26 23:31] or the influx of salt into the ocean [2005-01-26 23:31] oooh or the shrinking sun [2005-01-26 23:31] cmon give us your best [2005-01-26 23:31] No bacterial mutation has ever increased in complexity. Just like anti biotic resistance, everyone (but you) knows it involves a loss of information. Better study up [2005-01-26 23:31] TurquoiseYoshi it gained the ability to eat nylon [2005-01-26 23:31] thats not a loss [2005-01-26 23:31] thats a gain [2005-01-26 23:32] see? by not providing a measurement of information, you can simply hand-wave anything i say [2005-01-26 23:32] BloodOfTheFallen he should be fired, proteins can sustain a lot of mutations before their function even changes [2005-01-26 23:33] TurquoiseYoshi nobody is swayed by your childish threats [2005-01-26 23:33] Hey, that's good, anyone you can't out debate, call them an idiot. Incredible logic you must be a genius [2005-01-26 23:34] TurquoiseYoshi youve presented nothing for debate [2005-01-26 23:34] you just keep on saying you have this evidence [2005-01-26 23:34] but you wont give it [2005-01-26 23:34] lets pick a debate topic TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:34] what shall it be? [2005-01-26 23:34] something specific [2005-01-26 23:34] lets debate moon dust [2005-01-26 23:34] is that ok with you? [2005-01-26 23:35] Maybe you are god. You probably never make mistskes. No wonder you make fun of theCreator, you thjink you're smarter. Just have fun only so manytomoorows and tomorrow one less enjoy [2005-01-26 23:35] cmon lets debate the amount of dust on the moon [2005-01-26 23:36] Sholow of course silly =P [2005-01-26 23:36] Still waiting for your best evolution shot....pretty lame..but then evolution is just science fiction. Not bad for what you've got to work with but still no good [2005-01-26 23:36] TurquoiseYoshi you havent dealt with the things i gave you already [2005-01-26 23:36] you did not read the dawkins article, you did not read the talkorigins page, you did not refute the nylon bacterium [2005-01-26 23:36] you did not tell us what "evolutionists" say archie is a pure bird [2005-01-26 23:37] you did not tell us ANYTHING [2005-01-26 23:37] Sure I have, why do you still use the Arch example don't you keep up. don't make youself look studip, get some recent info. maybe I should help you [2005-01-26 23:37] you havent told us what archie is doing with a bony tail or two fenestra [2005-01-26 23:37] TurquoiseYoshi what modern birds have a bony tail or two fenestra? [2005-01-26 23:38] these are only found in reptiles [2005-01-26 23:38] do you even know what a fenestra is? [2005-01-26 23:38] its ok to admit you dont, i only found out last week [2005-01-26 23:38] I'll loook up the reference but you're wasting my time. I f I get if for you, just admit dinsours didn't evolve. I know you won't will you or can't you be honest in front of everyone [2005-01-26 23:38] rofl [2005-01-26 23:39] providing with a scientists opinion that archie is a modern bird hardly disproves evolution [2005-01-26 23:39] i just want to see it since you claim it exists [2005-01-26 23:39] its just basic decency in a debate to present your sources [2005-01-26 23:39] but you dont seem interested in that [2005-01-26 23:40] Marissa tell TurquoiseYoshi that youre christian but you accept evolution [2005-01-26 23:40] $5 says TurquoiseYoshi gets a creationist quote mine [2005-01-26 23:40] That's what i thought, even with the reference it won't change your mind because you are wrong and out of date, now everyone knows it. I'll find a refernce article sometime though so you won't look so silly again maybe you can find a better proof then [2005-01-26 23:40] out of context [2005-01-26 23:40] TurquoiseYoshi I'm a christian but I accept evolution [2005-01-26 23:40] lol [2005-01-26 23:41] well since TurquoiseYoshi doesnt want to help anybody out i will do it [2005-01-26 23:41] http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/archaeopteryx/info.html [2005-01-26 23:41] theres modern up-to-date info on archie [2005-01-26 23:41] Marrissa, you can't be both Even snex knows that if evolutionwere true, you should throw out your bible, better pick yourgoid [2005-01-26 23:41] no not really TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:42] That was pick your God Thse God of the scriptures or yourself [2005-01-26 23:42] i think that people can accept spiritual messages in the bible while still accepting modern science [2005-01-26 23:42] TurquoiseYoshi go here for up-to-date archie info: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/archaeopteryx/info.html [2005-01-26 23:42] TurquoiseYoshi is god so pathetic that he cannot create laws of physics that can evolve life? [2005-01-26 23:48] no BloodOfTheFallen [2005-01-26 23:48] there isnt [2005-01-26 23:48] *** Joins: TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-26 23:48] when somebody blathers on about geocentrism theres no truth in it [2005-01-26 23:49] are you a geocentrist too TurquoiseYoshi? [2005-01-26 23:49] the bible makes it clear that the earth does not move [2005-01-26 23:49] TurquoiseYoshi genesis is just a story. [2005-01-26 23:50] you can still believe in jesus while admitting that genesis is a story [2005-01-26 23:50] Genesis is the only place Christians try to use the 1000 years quote...was Jesus i the grave 3000 years? no [2005-01-26 23:50] Uh, that has nothing to do with it [2005-01-26 23:50] TurquoiseYoshi youre correct, Marissa is retarded for trying to force-fit it [2005-01-26 23:50] genesis says days and it means days [2005-01-26 23:50] genesis is just wrong [2005-01-26 23:51] Snex, the bible is accurate,sorry for you...You just don;t like the "story on revelation where unbelievers g o to the lake of fire. How do you like that story [2005-01-26 23:51] TurquoiseYoshi the bible is not always accurate, and any inaccuracies i point out you will dismiss without valid reason [2005-01-26 23:52] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-26 23:53] TurquoiseYoshi, what is your denomination? [2005-01-26 23:53] Marissa im betting 7th day adventist [2005-01-26 23:53] theyre fucking nutcases [2005-01-26 23:53] Snex, we've already shown that no amount of proof will make you turn to theCreator..it's you're choice. So you think you're god. Have fun..nly so many tomorrows. Of course, I do have more respect for those who reject the bible than forthose who say they believe half pick a side [2005-01-26 23:53] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-26 23:54] wait why cant i believe some of the bible? archaeological finds confirm some of it [2005-01-26 23:54] i believe parts of the iliad, but i dont believe in the pantheon [2005-01-26 23:54] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-26 23:54] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-26 23:56] everybody go to www.biblegateway.com or open your bibles to Psalm 93:1 [2005-01-26 23:57] tell me if its accurate or not [2005-01-26 23:57] The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. [2005-01-26 23:58] it says "the world is firmly established; it cannot be moved" [2005-01-26 23:58] yet we know the earth orbits the sun [2005-01-26 23:59] i just showed you that it says the earth cannot be moved [2005-01-26 23:59] Well, can you prove to me right now that God does not exist? Well actually, you told me that a god COULD exist, just not the christian god. [2005-01-26 23:59] but we all know the earth moves [2005-01-27 00:00] *** Joins: TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-27 00:00] The iliad didn't claim to be inspired by god [2005-01-27 00:00] BloodOfTheFallen i havent really thought about it but the minimum god that could exist without internal contradictions would be a conscious creator of the universe [2005-01-27 00:00] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-27 00:01] A conscious creator? How does the christian god differ from this? [2005-01-27 00:01] Don't waste your timewith the Bible if it's half true or with a God that is half right [2005-01-27 00:01] BloodOfTheFallen he is omnipotent, omniscient, omnibenevolent, etc etc [2005-01-27 00:01] TurquoiseYoshi tell us what Psalm 93:1 says [2005-01-27 00:01] now you refuse to even open your bible TurquoiseYoshi? [2005-01-27 00:01] somebody scroll psalm 93:1 again for TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-27 00:02] The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved. [2005-01-27 00:02] "the world is firmly established; it cannot be moved" [2005-01-27 00:02] do you believe this TurquoiseYoshi? [2005-01-27 00:02] do you believe that the world does not move? [2005-01-27 00:03] It says the world is firmly established, it cannot be moved. If YOU can move it/remove it have fun even though he will destroy it in the end and remake it (Revelation) [2005-01-27 00:03] TurquoiseYoshi but it is always moving! its moving around the sun right now! [2005-01-27 00:04] if the world cannot be moved, how can it be moving? [2005-01-27 00:05] Gee, snex, you aren't that dense. So from our perspective which is what God is tskling about are you moving 2000 miles per hour are are you in a room. get real. perhaops you should take a course i literature [2005-01-27 00:05] BloodOfTheFallen none of their arguments ever amount to anything. the problem is that no matter how smart you are, you cannot defend a position that is wrong [2005-01-27 00:05] TurquoiseYoshi but christians used that very verse to force galileo to retract his claims [2005-01-27 00:06] there are even geocentrist christians today! [2005-01-27 00:06] Are you talking about christian killing Catholic religiopus leaders?????? [2005-01-27 00:06] http://www.fixedearth.com/ [2005-01-27 00:06] go there [2005-01-27 00:06] TurquoiseYoshi martin luther did not accept a moving earth either [2005-01-27 00:07] Like the Catholic Church reads the bible and goes by it....The Catholic Church and their persecutions don't work wekk for examples. They killed more Christians than anyone [2005-01-27 00:07] TurquoiseYoshi martin luther was not a catholic [2005-01-27 00:08] Martin Luther was a Catholic Priest but he read the bible and quit [2005-01-27 00:08] tell us what Psalm 105:5 says [2005-01-27 00:08] somebdody [2005-01-27 00:09] somebody tell us what Psalm 105:5 says [2005-01-27 00:10] Snex, soory, but you're no scholar and your knowledge od scripture stinks. Ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the truth. So you don't believe the bible. Have fun..on;y so many tomorrows for you and here you are wasting your time pretending there's no creator [2005-01-27 00:10] thats the same thing youve been saying over and over! [2005-01-27 00:11] somebody tell us what Psalm 105:5 says [2005-01-27 00:11] Psalm 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [2005-01-27 00:11] Psalm 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [2005-01-27 00:11] Psalm 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [2005-01-27 00:11] Pretending you believe parts of the bible but only trying to attack it.. You think there's no god but you waste your time spiting at Him and His Word'... only so many tomorows enjoy as many as you can before you ru out [2005-01-27 00:11] Psalm 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved. [2005-01-27 00:12] TurquoiseYoshi stop repeating yourself and defend your position [2005-01-27 00:12] Snex cannot a orbit be a foundation, if it is not to move? [2005-01-27 00:13] I think you only spend time spitting at God becuase you really know there is one. If there wasn't one..you wouldn't waste your genius time worrying about it. don;t worry..ony so many tomorrows for you enjoy them [2005-01-27 00:13] BloodOfTheFallen the bible clearly says it cannot be moved [2005-01-27 00:13] And has the earth shifted at all? Or has it ever-orbited the sun, unmoving from that orbit? [2005-01-27 00:13] no TurquoiseYoshi i spend my time making christians like you look stupid because you try to force your beliefs on me using my own tax money [2005-01-27 00:14] BloodOfTheFallen thats not what the text says. you are trying to interpret into it something thats not there [2005-01-27 00:14] That Psalm is open to interpretation; it does not have to mean, in an incorrect sense, that the earth does not move, but that it cannot be moved from how it is set. [2005-01-27 00:14] kiol whats the last thing you saw me say [2005-01-27 00:14] [01:12] im just saying i think its probable he got more than, say, i have [01:12] at one point << thats the last thing i saw [2005-01-27 00:14] Only so many tomorrows. Too bad you have no future but this like and you waste your spitting at God. It won;t change things for you. Only you ca change. You don't break God''s laws..God's laws wil break you [2005-01-27 00:14] BloodOfTheFallen you would not try to interpret the psalm verse if you didnt already know the earth was moving. if you were an acienct jew you would take it to mean exactly what it says [2005-01-27 00:14] ross cant you gag him for continually repeating himself? [2005-01-27 00:15] ancient* wtf i cant type [2005-01-27 00:15] rofl [2005-01-27 00:15] we need like modded debate here, TurquoiseYoshi cant seem to present anything other than his tired threats that stopped working when he lost control of the government in 1776 [2005-01-27 00:16] snex take a couse in literature. The bible was written for our perspective. and When Jesus said he was the door, thatdidn't mead he had hinges. Take a course in Bible literature and come back then. You sound so silly.. On;ly so many tomorrows enjoy them [2005-01-27 00:16] really? it was written for OUR perspective? not the people that were alive when it was written? [2005-01-27 00:16] are you sure it wasnt written for the jews and early christians? [2005-01-27 00:17] how can you back that up? [2005-01-27 00:17] jesus said he would return within the apostles' generation [2005-01-27 00:17] Only so many tomorrows....enjoy them. Hey I have forever. Good for me. It's not my fault you don't wantit. But i'm sure God will appreciate your feeble attempts to spit at Him durung your judgemant ahve fun [2005-01-27 00:20] TurquoiseYoshi get this through your thick transitional fossil of a skull [2005-01-27 00:20] YOUR THREATS DO NOT PHASE ANYBODY [2005-01-27 00:20] YOU ARE TURNING PEOPLE AWAY FROM CHRISTIANITY [2005-01-27 00:21] behold, TurquoiseYoshi's father is proof of evolution [2005-01-27 00:21] for he is the missing link [2005-01-27 00:21] i will be contacting kent hovind for my $250,000 [2005-01-27 00:22] look at the low rough browline [2005-01-27 00:22] No threats just fats.. the death rate is one per person...you won't be the exception. I've got eternity but you only have this life which could end anytime. Tinl aboutit only so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:22] and the hunched shoulders [2005-01-27 00:22] and the inability to communicate well [2005-01-27 00:22] fascinating specimin [2005-01-27 00:23] you really like the phrase "only so many tomorrows" [2005-01-27 00:23] you use it every time [2005-01-27 00:23] TurquoiseYoshi im gonna be honest with you here. you are the best thing to happen to the atheist movement [2005-01-27 00:23] seriously [2005-01-27 00:23] Only so many tomorows. Have fun oh, send a copy of your $250,000 check...I'm SURE you're smart enought to prove your side ha aha ahahahahah [2005-01-27 00:23] and i thank you [2005-01-27 00:24] theres only so many tomorrows TurquoiseYoshi, accept allah before its too late [2005-01-27 00:24] Great thanks...only so may tomorows...I know you willthink about it. enjoy [2005-01-27 00:24] only so many tomorrows, allah has saved me and promised me many virgins [2005-01-27 00:25] but you will get eternal punishment, only so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:25] You can slide arpound but it won't give you more tomorrows enjoy the ones you have [2005-01-27 00:25] TurquoiseYoshi you can deny allah all you want [2005-01-27 00:25] but you only have so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:25] it will be interesting to watch you squirm before allah as you try to explain why you picked the wrong god [2005-01-27 00:26] Then have fun with your virgins ooops unles you're wrong. hey the lake of fire is only forever...So you might be wrong...it's only forever....enjoy [2005-01-27 00:26] hey what if youre wrong? [2005-01-27 00:26] theres an equally big lake of fire for you [2005-01-27 00:26] you better reconsider [2005-01-27 00:26] only so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:26] allah doesnt mess around [2005-01-27 00:26] you saw what he did to the world trade center [2005-01-27 00:27] thats more than your god ever destroyed [2005-01-27 00:27] Hey, I'me not worried, but you are aren;t you. Oh that's right you have to llok cool and pretend you're not worried. Hey enjoy theres only so.... [2005-01-27 00:27] sodom and gomorrah were nothing compared to WTC [2005-01-27 00:27] sorry but the destruction speaks for itself [2005-01-27 00:27] you better take allah [2005-01-27 00:27] only so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:28] Sorry, I can't go to the lake, I'm forgiven. You don't have to go either,you apparently just refure to not go only so many tomorrows [2005-01-27 00:28] TurquoiseYoshi lets debate about polonium haloes in granite rock [2005-01-27 00:28] is that a good topic? [2005-01-27 00:28] polonium haloes in granite rock ok? [2005-01-27 00:28] ill let you go first [2005-01-27 00:29] no no mike let him present his argument about polonium haloes [2005-01-27 00:29] Yes polonium haos prove granite was mad instantaneously. Also, they disappear in high heat so granite wasn't molten either [2005-01-27 00:29] actually TurquoiseYoshi [2005-01-27 00:29] most of the haloes are radon [2005-01-27 00:29] and they are only found in cracks [2005-01-27 00:29] and above deposits of uranium [2005-01-27 00:30] you see, radon is a decay product of uranium [2005-01-27 00:30] and it is also a gas [2005-01-27 00:30] so it floats up into the granite cracks and decays, creating the haloes [2005-01-27 00:30] but some of the haloes are indeed polonium, which is also a decay product of uranium [2005-01-27 00:30] isnt that amazing? [2005-01-27 00:30] I'm forgiven because I asked the messiah Jesus (creator) to forgive me. Ia dmitted I was a sinner and that he was God and that he died to pay for my sins and HE did. So easy. Thank you Jesus [2005-01-27 00:30] haloes are never found above rock without uranium [2005-01-27 00:35] TurquoiseYoshi why are haloes only above uranium deposits? [2005-01-27 00:35] ross thats his dad, he never acts that gay [2005-01-27 00:35] he just did [2005-01-27 00:36] TurquoiseYoshi ask your dad why haloes are only found above uranium deposits [2005-01-27 00:36] no ross ive debated with them both before [2005-01-27 00:36] Don't really have denomination [2005-01-27 00:36] unless you wanna argue multiple personalities [2005-01-27 00:37] wait wait, TurquoiseYoshi, if your dad thinks polonium haloes prove a young earth, that means he accepts radiometric dating right? [2005-01-27 00:37] because polonium haloes are caused by radioactive decay [2005-01-27 00:37] and the argument depends on their very short half-life [2005-01-27 00:37] we just believe the bible Christianity i more a relationship with God imo than traditions :P [2005-01-27 00:37] im confused here [2005-01-27 00:38] why are haloes only found above uranium deposits? [2005-01-27 00:38] nobody has answered that [2005-01-27 00:38] i dont even know what your talking about snex lol :P [2005-01-27 00:38] yes but i gave the mainstream science position [2005-01-27 00:38] TurquoiseYoshi your dad does [2005-01-27 00:38] he jumped right on that argument when i mentioned them [2005-01-27 00:38] but then he backed right off when i expounded further [2005-01-27 00:38] yeah ill ask him [2005-01-27 00:39] back to his threats [2005-01-27 00:39] TurquoiseYoshi how old IS your dad? [2005-01-27 00:39] 49 i believe [2005-01-27 00:39] somebody give TurquoiseYoshi a log of that debate so he can see just how poorly his dad did [2005-01-27 00:40] it wasnt even a debate [2005-01-27 00:40] it was him threatening me [2005-01-27 00:40] well he knows more about the bible [2005-01-27 00:40] TurquoiseYoshi thats funny because he got off the bible really quickly [2005-01-27 00:40] as soon as i went into it [2005-01-27 00:40] a lot more i need to read it. It's pretty sad snex has read it(so he claims) and i havent :P [2005-01-27 00:41] then he moved onto evolution, made some bogus assertions, then backed off when i asked for references [2005-01-27 00:41] he demanded that i reject evolution just to see his references [2005-01-27 00:41] is that how it works TurquoiseYoshi? [2005-01-27 00:41] "you cant see the evidence till you believe me first" [2005-01-27 00:42] then he refused to accept the bible's truth of a fixed immovable earth! [2005-01-27 00:42] yoshi he kept telling us that we only have so many tomorrows ;p [2005-01-27 00:42] can you believe that! [2005-01-27 00:42] he came right out and said the bible was wrong! [2005-01-27 00:42] Yeah i know [2005-01-27 00:42] to swf [2005-01-27 00:43] but you do :P [2005-01-27 00:43] TurquoiseYoshi threats are not a form of debate [2005-01-27 00:44] shit i even know the creationist arguments better than they do [2005-01-27 00:44] i could prove creationism to the average person [2005-01-27 00:44] it would be effective i think [2005-01-27 00:45] no SWFLurker its like a stage magician [2005-01-27 00:45] they perform magic and then at the end say "hey its not real" [2005-01-27 00:45] My dad wants to say some more real quick .....> [2005-01-27 00:45] lol [2005-01-27 00:45] "only so many tomorrows" [2005-01-27 00:45] yes we know [2005-01-27 00:46] a 49 year old man is trying to convince me like he would convince a child [2005-01-27 00:46] im a grown man too [2005-01-27 00:46] and i dont fall for that bullshit [2005-01-27 00:46] ill ruin my appetite all i want [2005-01-27 00:46] i got a lot more [2005-01-27 00:47] normally when people become adults they stop using the same arguments they used as children, being wiser and all [2005-01-27 00:48] lets take a pool on how much sleep TurquoiseYoshi's father gets tonight [2005-01-27 00:48] i say none [2005-01-27 00:48] whos in [2005-01-27 00:49] well, it's interesting to see you "geniuses" twist and tryto change what happened, but then you have to pretend you're right since you only have so many tomorrows. Perhaps you can impress each other by twisting what was said. I'm sure you will. You certainly have my pity on you. but I can't save you only Jesus can......Professing themselves to be wise they became fools. And even as they did not like to kep God in their knowledge, He gave them over to a corrpt mind. Well, that certai... This message was cut due to length