When someone makes a video this complicated, they wear many hats. Choreographer, cameraman, video editor, special effects editor, etc. Here is a breakdown of all hats I can think of related to the Last Tier War. Note that each hat, unlike real life hats, aren't mutually exclusive. For instance, one person could be their own Chief of Voice Acting, The Talent, and Sound Editor by recording their own lines in a timely fashion, using a free program such as ModPlug Tracker to change their pitch as needed. This hat scheme was mainly devised to demonstrate how subdivisible this project is. No one person needs to take on huge responsibilities except the lead editor(s). --------------- Ghost President This is me. I provide direction, clarification, and eventually a stamp of approval. Thankfully, I put a lot of work into the script, the map, and some choreography before I "died". There's not much else (for ep2 anyway) that could only be done by me. My main method of communication is email, which is super doodle man @gmail.com with no spaces. I also check my inboxes on facebook, twitter, reddit, gamefaqs, and youtube. ----- ADMIN -------------- Chief of Staff Keeps everyone connected. Perhaps not all volunteers want to be contacted the same way, be it twitter, message boards, or email. The Chief of Staff keeps contact information on all volunteers and keeps track of what hats they wear, if any in particular. ---------------------------- Info Manager/Quality Control Maintains the headquarters with all information relating to LTW, most notably the script, voice requirements/actors, and what needs doing in the long and short term. Also notifies the Ghost President of any possible confusion in the documentation. This means you! If you're confused, or even the least bit unclear about anything, let me know! --------- Recruiter Finds people to help wear all the hats this project has. Tell your friends about the Last Tier War and link them to the first episode or trailer. Anyone can wear this hat in addition to whatever primary hat they desire. ------------ VOICE ACTING --------------------- Chief of Voice Acting Makes sure voice actors submit their lines in a timely fashion. Keeps track of how to contact all voice actors. ------------ Sound Editor Changes pitch and speed of recorded spoken lines as needed. ---------- The Talent Says their lines. Send several takes with slight variations so the best can be picked. ------- FILMING ---------------- Chief of Filming Coordinates all aspects of filming, reports to the Ghost President. ------------ Video Editor Splices together simple video clips. Most of any given episode will be simple to toss together. ----------- Lead Editor Does complex edits requiring sound effect addition, special effects, or very precise cuts. Puts together the whole episode once all parts are recorded. ----------------------- Choreographer/Logistics Plans how to do scenes with more than 4 characters, or complex fight scenes, or what individual characters should do to appear at a high level of play. Doesn't necessarily do any capturing, it could just be advice. --------- Cameraman Films simple scenes/shots. Sends footage to an editor. This episode could be made one shot at a time! Give it a try, it's easier than you think, if you know how. -------------- Capture Master Knows how to capture video and helps cameramen do their job. --------------- Elite Cameraman Films frame-by-frame shots, scenes requiring complex movement --------------- Special Effects The kind that can't be done in a video editor. Fox's eye glow in ep1 was made by editing each frame in the form of an image file, then added back in to the editing program for a duration of 1 frame per image. --------------- So here's an example, though I could call it a fantasy of mine: many people working together to make a hard task easy! In this example, I'll explain how the production of episode 2, scene 1 might go. Choreographer/Logistics watches ep1 for reference of characters' locations, puts together a list of camera angles and which characters appear together. C/L could break the scene up into smaller scenes or even individual shots. Cameraman(s) talk to Capture Master and get a working knowledge of how to capture video. C/L talks to Cameraman(s) who then film the scene. Cameraman(s) send footage to an editor to put together. Meanwhile, the Chief of Voice Acting has been busy getting lines from The Talent, and sending some to the Sound Editor to be tweaked slightly. The CVA checks with the Chief of Filming to see which lines should be sent to which editor, then does that. Each editor finishes their (partial) scene and the Lead Editor puts it all together, adding music and other sounds as needed. End scene 1. Throughout the whole process, the only thing the Ghost President is uniquely qualified for is quality assurance. At any point where one hat passes something to another hat, it should first pass through the Ghost President for approval, at least at first. When the scene is finished, the Ghost President has final say in what needs redoing (and there will be redos, you can pretty much count on it). The appropriate Chiefs get in touch with their appropriate underlings and redo what needs redoing, then repeat the process back up the chain. Another important thing is that I, as Ghost President, want weekly updates. "I recorded 1 line" or "I figured out how to use debug mode" are just fine. Tiny progress is better than no progress. Check your spam folder. I'll try not to let any email go unanswered more than a week.