super doodle man @ no spaces 1. No percentages, player indicators, or HUD things of any kind. They take away from the feel. If you can do this without AR, tell me how so I can tell others and increase the pool of potential volunteers beyond those with AR or Dolphin. 2. When characters are "talking" try to make them move a little. Make them seem ALIVE. Changing the camera angle can help with this too. Idle animations can be effective. 3. When shooting, it's better for a shot to be too long than too short. It can be trimmed in editing, and otherwise must be reshot if its too short. 4. If at all possible, record in-game sounds but not music. Adding sounds manually is a chore. 5. Try to record in decent quality. The quality can only get lower through the editing process. 6. Starting with episode 2, the Last Tier War will be filmed in widescreen! Watch the crash course video to see where the "force 16:9" option is, and also input the additional AR code that fixes the stretch problem: version 1.0: 04BDA464 3FCFC217 version 1.1: 04BDB8C4 3FCFC217 version 1.2: 04BDC5E4 3FCFC217 7. Turn items on! There need to be a few randomly strewn about so their absence is more meaningful later...