by SuperDoodleMan If you don't understand a term, look it up in the Terminology txt ------------------------------------- Dark Flash Total: 29 Hit: 8 Window of the Dark Flame: 3-28 Dark Flame starts: 12 (or later) Dark flame delayed by 1 frame ------------------------------------- Dark Flame (minimum repetition) Total: 79 Hit: 13, 20, 27, 34, 41, 48, 55, 65 ------------------------------------- F Tilt Total: 31 Hit: 6-8 IASA: 29 ------------------------------------- D Tilt Total: 29 Hit: 5-7 ------------------------------------- U Tilt Total: 31 Hit: 6-11 IASA: 28 ------------------------------------- F Smash Total: 59 Hit: 18-19 Charge Frame: 14 IASA: 52 ------------------------------------- D Smash Total: 59 Hit: 20-21 Charge frame: 17 IASA: 38 ------------------------------------- U Smash Total: 79 Hit: 9-10, 13-14, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, 33-34 Charge frame: 2 IASA: 70 ------------------------------------- Dash attack Total: 49 Hit: 10-29 IASA: 38 ------------------------------------- N-Air Total: 54 Hit: 5-6, 9-10, 13-14, 17-18, 21-22, 25-26, 29-30, 33-34, 37-38 IASA: 42 Auto cancel: <4 39> Landing during move has 1 frame of damage Landlag: 26 Lcanceled: 13 ------------------------------------- U-Air Total: 37 Hit: 9-11 IASA: 35 Auto cancel: <3 33> Landlag: 20 Lcanceled: 10 ------------------------------------- B-Air Total: 31 Hit: 12-15 Auto cancel: <2 30> Landlag: 28 Lcanceled: 14 ------------------------------------- D-Air Total: 57 Hit: 18-21 IASA: 47 Auto cancel: <5 45> Landlag: 28 Lcanceled: 14 ------------------------------------- F-Air Total: 39 Hit: 5-7 IASA: 36 Auto cancel: 35> Landlag: 25 Lcanceled: 12 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand <100% Total: 33 Invincible: 1-30 ------------------------------------- Ledge stand 100%> Total: 59 Invincible: 1-55 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll <100% Total: 49 Invincible: 1-27 ------------------------------------- Ledge roll 100%> Total: 79 Invincible: 1-74 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack <100% Total: 55 Invulnerable: 1-22 Hit: 26-30 ------------------------------------- Ledge attack 100%> Total: 69 Invulnerable: 1-46 Hit: 50-52 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump <100% Total: 52 Invulnerable: 1-15 Soonest FF: 46 ------------------------------------- Ledge jump 100%> Total: 67 Invincible: 1-21 Soonest FF: 52 ------------------------------------- Grab Total: 30 Grab: 7-8 ------------------------------------- Running grab Total: 40 Grab: 9-10 ------------------------------------- Confusion Total: 55 Grab: 12-15 Reflect: 12-38 ------------------------------------- Teleport Total (ends in air): 32 Invincible: 8-17 Total (ends on ground): 46 Landlag: 30 Landfallspeciallag: 4 ------------------------------------- Disable Total: 39 Eye spark comes out: 15 Eye spark lasts 7 frames ------------------------------------- Shadow Ball Starts charging: 18 think of that as 1 now Full charge achieved at frame 119 When charging, does first 2 frames of damage, then loops 2 no damage and 3 with damage Rolling while charging starts ASAP L/R to stop charging: 8 frames lag --shot from charging-- Total: 24 comes out on frame 9 --shot from full-- Total: 41 comes out on frame 26 Shadow Ball lasts 69 frames ------------------------------------- Taunt Total: 120 HMHMHMHMHMH!: 1 ------------------------------------- Jump: airborne on frame 6 Air time: 60 Earliest FF: 31 FF air time: 44 SH air time: 35 Earliest FF: 20 SH FF air time: 24 For maximum height gain from M2's 2nd jump, you should interrupt it with an attack on frame 34. Frame 33 is only SLIGTLY less, and performance drops equally from too soon or too late, within a few frames. 2nd jump earliest FF (no moves): 48 ------------------------------------- Air dodge Really small: 1-3, 30-33 invincible: 4-29 Total: 39 ------------------------------------- ground dodge invulnerable 2-21 out of 37 Roll invulnerable 4-19 out of 37 Landing lag: 4 frames Dash becomes run at frame 19 Turn-jump Threshold: 22 Run turnaround: 37 ______________ final line